Virgin Money Discussion & Feedback

Hopefully they do implement full notification support soon, then!


Just had my expenses paid to Virgin Money and no alert :frowning:

I am loving my experience with Virgin Money! Similar features to Monzo and I actually trust Virgin Money! There are even features Monzo doesn’t have such as cheque imaging!

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As opposed to whom? Monzo? Why?

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Monzo, and last time I said why I didn’t trust Monzo everyone had a go at me so I’d rather just leave it at that :slight_smile:


Ah, you don’t trust Monzo because of envelopes and Mastercard logos. I remember now.


No, that isn’t what I said and I’m sure you know that. It really does confuse me why people are so obsessed with deflecting criticism towards a bank.

Most people do not have beef with Monzo unless their account is closed because they were doing shady stuff

Thankfully, mine wasn’t closed :slight_smile:

Now let’s get this thread back to Virgin Money, not deflecting Monzo criticism.


I had my Virgin Money account frozen - but I was greatful for them catching it - I was testing the push notifications - so I transferred from Natwest (£8.74) to My Virgin Money account. Transferred £5 of that from my Virgin Money account to my Natwest (went through fine). Although fully authenticated, when I transferred the remaining £3.74, they froze my account. (transferred that to my Lloyds account)

Would rather tham do it, than not. especially if it was a large amount

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I had a cursory look at your previous posts.

You should have a cursory look at mine. Plenty of criticism.


Why even use a bank you that you don’t trust? Plenty of other choices out there

I don’t? I closed my Monzo account after I realised I didn’t trust them.

Ahh ok

Looks like the Clydesdale and Yorkshire packaged account convert to Virgin Money next week.

…the Signature Current Account will become a Virgin Money Club M Account early in 2021…

Date for the new Ts&Cs commencing is Feb 17th.

Price is 50p less than Monzo Premium, but the package is different of course.

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Despite their branding being a bit messy, they have done a good job of explaining what this means for their customers. The rebranding could have gone a lot worse.

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I actually think the rebranding is confident, contemporary, and fun.

The products aren’t too bad either.


The new brand itself is really good, it’s just at the moment the mixture of Yorkshire, Clydesdale, and Virgin Money is a bit messy.

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Opened a VM current account on Monday.

Card arrived Wednesday, PIN Thursday.

Took until yesterday and multiple phone calls before I could access mobile and internet banking, due to technical error in verification of my details :man_shrugging:

Looked around the app last night.

Some similar features to Monzo but, at the moment, just does not feel right to me.

Created Savings Pots. Nice features, but the amount of space each of them takes up on the screen makes them look clunky and awkward. Slow to scroll through.

Anyway, £1k at 2% AER, for now, is all it will be used for I think for the moment.


The interest rate on the linked savings account is dropping to 0.35% on the 27th April.