Upgrade to Plus and send new card abroad

Hi Community

My regular Monzo card expires in December. I will be abroad for a few months. Do you know how I can apply for an upgrade to Monzo Plus and have the new card sent to a foreign address?

Many thanks.

Hi @neil.lowden & welcome :wave:

From the in-app help:

If you have any further questions, please use the in-app chat to contact Monzo directly about the process.

Thank you. I will follow up through the app as you suggest. I did not know I could do that.

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Just before you experience possible confusion, there are 2 ways to access the in-app chat:

  • Easy way - from ‘Home’, tap on ‘Help’ (bottom-right), then scroll to see the ‘Chat with us’ button. Tap on that to open a chat directly with Monzo support staff

  • Hard way - try and do the above only to find there is no ‘Chat with us’ button. Instead, type ‘Contact support’ in the Help/Search bar. This should return a few help articles - locate the ‘Contacting support’ one and tap on it. This will open a general contact article, with a section called ‘Chat with us’ - in that section is a link called ’ Tap here to get started’ - tap on it and it will open a chat directly with Monzo support staff

Thanks for that. I did manage to get into a chat session but the staff don’t understand what I’m asking. They give me details of Monzo Plus that I already know. They tell me it costs GBP30 to send a card abroad which I also know. What I really need to know is how to have the Monzo Plus card sent abroad when I apply for the upgrade. Maybe there is an option for this in the upgrade process but I don’t want to tsrat that and find out there isn’t.

Are you abroad now?

If not, would it not be cheaper, make more sense and give you less stress to start paying £5 per month for Plus now and have you card delivered to your UK address rather than paying £30 to have a new card delivered in December?

Yes, I am abroad now and will be for the foreseeable future.

Ah got it.

Okay so this isn’t a direct answer to your question, but might help you.

Monzo will contact you 2-3 months before the expiry of your current card asking you to confirm the address for your new card.

If you get a new hot coral card, you can keep this when you upgrade to Plus. You do not have to get a new holographic card issued when you upgrade.

This means you have the option to just wait, have a new hot coral card sent, and keep that when you upgrade to Plus.

The other option would be to wait until December, but in that time you’ll probably have a new Hot Coral card sent to your UK address.

I’m not sure anyone at Monzo will be able to help you until you’ve upgraded to Plus.

But once you do upgrade, your new card isn’t sent until you request it. Best to upgrade, and then contact support to get the new card sent overseas.

Also, just a word of warning, you should be careful around your account eligibility.

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