Trends graphs for all šŸ“Š šŸ“ˆ

Really interesting response, thanks for taking the time to write it. Would be interested to see if other ā€œpaid forā€ features have also been considered as a release and whether you could share any hypothesis, if you are able to.

Sounds like a good level of experimentation and evolution to work out what the next version of the app and accounts would be.

How do you collate data as to whether what you do actually has an effect. Surveys? I ask because if it is the latter and you got direct feedback that said the reason x percentage of plus cancellations was as a result of this move///x percent of users buy plus because of the open banking integration then it would take a lot of what is otherwise a fair guess away?

Thanks for this. So interesting!

One thing to test if I might:

I donā€™t quite follow the argumentation that these need to be paid features. Are you saying that because the features are paid they have additional value in usersā€™ eyes? Or are you using it as a shortcut for these features, which happen to be in the paid tier?

Basically, wouldnā€™t the same argument apply if the Plus/Premium feature set were totally free?

Apologies, I wasnā€™t clear - I meant this is how the features that are currently available to Paid users only could generate revenue if they were made available to everyone.

Iā€™d rather not go into specifics here, so unfortunately Iā€™ll revert to the boring but safe ā€˜weā€™re always looking at how the external market is developingā€™ and ā€˜weā€™re always assessing which features should sit behind the paywallā€™ - sorry!

Again, I wonā€™t go into specifics on how we conduct data analysis, but there are many ways to gauge the impact of our actions - surveys is one; another would be to observe how user behaviour changes after we make a change in the app; and many other more sophisticated analyses!


I can understand that, no apologies needed ( you have to have some ā€œtrade secretsā€ after all)

Thanks for responding again though

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I am sad to be all ā€œI told you soā€, but I definitely strongly pointed out on the forums here several times that the people who benefit most from budgeting are those who are closer to the breadline, and thus are less likely to want/be able to pay for Plus/Premium. I am glad youā€™ve realigned the product to be more congruent with this reality.


I suspect that the only reason Monzo has done this is because the trend graph features heavily in the new UI (and it does on a few of the screenshots) and they donā€™t think those who donā€™t have plus/premium will want to pay for it.

That or the development has been paid for.

I may be wrong since I donā€™t work here but Iā€™m not fully buying the ā€œcost of living supportā€ line fully.

Still, as you say, the right thing to do.


Does the left to spend on the Summary dial include the externally added bank accounts like Barclays, Lloyds etc?

Not at the moment. Summary is purely a Monzo current account thing Iā€™m afraid.

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Really hope they do eventually merge the two.

Being able to budget across all connected accounts would be next level


I think thatā€™s their target. But who knows?


Being able to budget across all connected accounts would be next level




Omg the eyes have been deployed.

Repeat, the eyes have been deployed.



Seems prescient to me.


Haha no way!


Sounding a Trends bug alarm (bad timing for a Friday, I know). :bug::rotating_light:

When you tap into a category and swipe between months on the graph previous months always show as no spend, even when there is:

Can anyone else replicate this?

Ok for me. Android beta.

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Fine for me. Latest iOS AppStore version.

I get both ā€œwe canā€™t see anythingā€ and the transaction until it disappears in a couple of seconds and shows just the transactions

IOS 5.14.0

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I should have said, it works on the Spending tab but not the Targets oneā€¦ :man_facepalming: