Trends - a big update to the Monzo experience

I wonder what’s next for Trends? Out of swiping back months/years in each category and custom payment date, I’d like the latter.


It certainly seems like infrequent marginal improvements, rather than anything particularly groundbreaking at the moment, doesn’t it?


For it to be merged with summary, hopefully.

Though I’m not too fussed if nothing changes. It does the trick for me

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Yeh it does. I guess the summary integration is the next biggy but that’s probably not for a while


I think that’s a while off. I’d definitely like changing payment date next if I had a choice


It really shouldn’t be. I’m sure their engineering team have been super busy refining the core app and doing things such as flex but feels like this should be around the corner.

I can’t see them getting around to it, to be honest.

For whatever reason, customer facing stuff isn’t being prioritised, and there seems to be some sort of blockage somewhere.

And, even if this were to be on the to-do list, it would take some time. And I’d strongly counsel them not to put budgeting in Trends, but find its own home.


Interesting, would you not like to see a combination of the two? Such as trends graph at top and budgets below? Works well on Natwest.

I would love for them to at least switch around the plus/premium and summary icon’s so that the trends and summary were next to each other on the menu

I’ve not thought it through yet, but I kinda envision a separate tab for future planning. Trends is inherently a looking back thing.

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No this does make sense, interesting concept

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They might not, that’s true. Look at Payments tab - unfinished business. I don’t really use Summary now there’s bills pots, virtual cards so perhaps there’s something to be said around tutorials within Trends focussing on other elements of the app to help budgeting? Plus some notifications saying I’m close to spending more on groceries this month/year than last month/year with a landing page in Trends looking at this in some great graphical format.

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I think this will happen. What Trends has done better than Summary is allow me to see both my monthly and yearly spending.
If and when Summary is replaced, I would love to see budget caps set on both a monthly and a yearly basis. For example, my eating out category would be set on a monthly basis, but holidays set on a yearly basis.
Excited to see what they come up with!


We’ve definitely got more planned for Trends! My team are still working on “money management”, which mostly means Trends. And as part of that, we’ll be looking to eventually retire old Summary.

Sometimes product features require a little more work “behind the scenes” on the backend, so they might take a bit longer! :bowing_man:


What does it also include, that’s not mostly trends? :eyes:

Good to get some insight but pretty vague…

Go on, give us a sneak peak of something, you know you want to…


I’m hoping for a slightly different home to budgeting :eyes:


Sounds interesting @tjvr and thank you for the update - looking forward to seeing what comes next :slight_smile:


Spotted a couple of possibly upcoming Trends related codey-bits in v4.25.0:

<boolean name="trends_merchant_summary" value="false" />
    <boolean name="trends_merchant_summary_view" value="false" />

So I cancelled Plus too recently (just didn’t really think I was getting value from it for me personally) and I noticed something. At first I thought it was a bug, so I deleted and re-installed but it persists :unamused:

The scrolling from month to month is jagged, it keeps twitching/icons flicker and selecting the wrong month and feels like a you’re getting a poor experience, to be honest.

Am I alone?

Then in v4.26.0, the feature flag was deleted. No more possible merchant summary view. :cry:
Unless it launches under a different flag name