The Richest Man in Babylon: Back to Basics Budgeting

Monzo touched on this idea in one of their recent blog posts -

Sometimes there are opportunities to prevent financial troubles by acting in anticipation.

Take monthly income as a data point from which we can foresee potential financial struggle. If, after a period of stable income, we notice one or more months without a salary paid into your account, our pro-active account monitoring tools could help us be there to support you before your livelihood is seriously affected.

When our system notices that your income has halted, we could send a notification into your feed, in a manner akin to how we hint at different features the users can try. Without accusation or interrogation, a simple prompt may begin the conversation that could ease hardship.

And mentioned @mj84’s suggestion that they personally contact the user -

As part of procedure our Head of Financial Difficulties, Stuart, will also reach out to the customer to provide support and information if needed. Even before that, though, we want them to understand that Monzo is a channel for support, rather than a window to further trouble.

It’s worth noting that a missing salary is by no means a defining factor of redundancy, or furthermore, mental health troubles — but unemployment is inextricably linked to debt problems, as debt problems are to mental wellbeing. One in four adults with a mental health problem are also in problem debt. As you would expect, the more unpaid bills you have, the greater stress impact it has on your life, and greater stress results in a worsening mental state. This is a perpetual, fast cycle, but one that I believe Monzo has a duty to recognise and fix as best we can.