The race to FOUR MILLION users

There we go @Rat_au_van

Join the 3,500,049 people with a Monzo bank account



As it goes, it’ll be a trifle short of my prediction of 4M by 4pm on 24-Dec though.

Not that it matters in the grand scheme of things in the slightest, other than the value of Monzo increases :smile:


Miles off with my prediction so far - just over 3.5M now, so unless almost 500K users sign up in the next 2 days, I’m out :door:


Nothing to panic about, good steady pace for growth is always good for a business.
Allows companies to predict targets, and plan capacity ahead of time.
From when I joined 15 months ago, the growth has been phenomenal at a good steady pace.

By ‘out’, I mean out of the prediction game.

More customers - at whatever gain-rate- is the goal and Monzo has done a very good job at it up to this point. No panic here at all.

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Maybe my suggestion of February 29th wasn’t too far-fetched after all!


You could be spot on. There’s been a recent rise in new accounts which equates to roughly 6,666 per day and if I use 4M - 3,632,572 (currently opened accounts) = 367,428 to go. So at 6,666 per day, it’ll take 55 days at the current rate, which makes it the end of February :crossed_fingers:

3.9 million :muscle: Nearly there!


Rolling average across the last year. The only time it dropped below 4k a day was over the week of Christmas and now it has picked up again to near height of summer rate

Quite something


Jump with N26 movers?

Very interesting to see, curious what caused it

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My money is on the 2nd March

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You may not be far wrong there.

Although I’m now pinning it on 4th March :crossed_fingers:

Still pushing for Feb 29th!

While it’s good that the amount of customers are increasing, are people actually using it as their main account?


Monzo maintain that about 30% are, which means they have well over 1m salaries - pretty impressive if true.

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I know a fair amount of people using Monzo / Starling / Revolut etc but I’ve not met anyone who uses it as their primary account other than myself. I think to most people they use it as a travel card or just a spending card.

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What is a primary account in 2020 though… does using it as a spending card and interacting with it 100 times a month, earning interchange with every purchase and being open to paying a subscription to get value-added features not count as a primary account? To me that is a very desirable customer so if that is not a ‘primary account’ then maybe they shouldn’t be measuring primary accounts.

Of those 3m people who are supposedly doing their ‘main banking’ elsewhere, their other bank is going to see a salary in, a few utility bills, everything out to Monzo and then radio silence for the whole of the month unless loss leaders like cash withdrawals or branch services are required. That is an extremely undesirable and unprofitable customer relationship imho, not a ‘primary’ one, and it must be killing the incumbents to see these millions of ghost accounts on their books and another 200,000 of them appearing every month.

Depends how you look at it, I guess.

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I do, as does my partner. I also know many people that do

That sounds exactly like me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nationwide FlexAccount:

  • Salary in
  • All direct debits out
  • Savings out
  • All other money out

No other activity at all, not even an ATM withdrawal or cash deposit for the rest of the time.
(I haven’t even activated my latest debit card)

So called “Secondary Accounts”:

  • Day to day spending (card transactions and ATM withdrawals)
  • Holiday spending (actual travel purchases and overseas cash withdrawals/card transactions)
  • All cash deposits
  • Savings bounced around chasing the best interest rates

Yes, the Nationwide account sees the most money, but the so called “secondary” accounts see the most action.