The national minimum wage, the national living wage and the real living wage

If those people didn’t accept the pay you wouldn’t have police to save you, nurses to aid you, firefighters to save your life.

Sorry folks I’ll bow out here. Public servants are not the exception to the rule. They are a very large percentage of our country doing us a service for lower pay than they should because most of them care. Sitting in our ivory towers passing opinions doesn’t make us justifiably correct.

Happy debating though… it’s an age old one, this.


If those people didn’t accept the pay you wouldn’t have police to save you, nurses to aid you, firefighters to save your life.

Again, I think this is a failure of the market or the “system” as a whole. We might need more taxes or better management of existing taxes to pay these people what they deserve.

However, this will only happen when the pool of candidates dries up and we realise there is a problem, otherwise all the stakeholders will say there is no problem and everything will stay as is. “Business as usual” where our taxes are instead “stolen” to fund stupid shit instead of the things that actually matter.

Police are not allowed to strike. But thanks for playing :+1:


See I can totally understand your point and theoretically it should work but it just doesn’t. For that to happen we would need a period with fewer nurses and doctors and police and ambulance crew and firefighters and prison staff and social workers and people would literally die just so that pay could be increased.

It has been something unions and political parties band around for decades and nothing has been done. Many can’t strike, the rest reluctantly won’t and the few that do are sometimes vilified as a deralict of duty. It isn’t always as simple as the market taking care of itself, since these are public services not open to the market in the same way.

I’m about to board a 13 hour flight so I reeeaaally need to stop here :joy:


This is an unfortunate consequence of the (limited) socialism that exists in this country. State workers are underpaid. Why? Because their employer is a monopoly and thus artificially controls the market wage.

These workers are able to accept a low salary because the state offers them disproportionate benefits in other ways (eg affordable housing reserved for key workers, a gold-plated pension etc).

If I were in charge of national policy here, I’d reduce the tens of billions we spend on subsidised housing for key workers, and use the money to raise their salaries.

But then they’d have more freedom and autonomy. And socialism starts to break down when that happens.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Removed posts 21/11

Didn’t realise who the photo is. Think everyone will agree that’s unacceptable


Probably why :cookie: has had to speak to me so many times.
Despite what you think, we don’t get free pass.

I just call out trolls and hateful people and don’t dance around it. Sometimes I’m abrasive with that. I’m not going to apologise to you for that.

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#MonzoDrama :roll_eyes::joy:

I’ll grab some popcorn. Happy to share.

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It’s not letting me remove the like now the new information has come out. Naturally I withdraw it


You are also presupposing we knew what the graph was in relation to. I didn’t til I googled it just now. Was the rest I was agreeing with

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I don’t see how disagreeing and bringing up counterpoints is “bullying”. On the other hand what you’ve done with using someone else’s profile picture is absolutely unacceptable and would qualify as bullying.


Its still not right to use someone’s photo without their permission.

@cookywook over to you to have a look into this.

Edit - is it possible to flag/report a user?


Please do not call me dear. That is patronising and misogynistic

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It was wholly unreasonable. Hence the reaction he got.

I simply presented publicly accessible information to the contrary.

You did so in an absolutely inappropriate way.

Please don’t try and make yourself look innocent. Nobody innocently spends 5 minute looking up someone’s picture and setting that as their account picture.

If you want to respectfully disagree you are more than welcome to, as you probably saw there was a healthy debate above with plenty of opposite opinions and all went well.

If you want to troll then I’m afraid it’s best if you just take the door over there. :wave:t2:


This topic is temporarily closed for 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.