Support chat disappeared from app

Well glad @AlanDoe reopened this and Monzo haven’t gone full Starling and permanently closed down this thread due to the critical feedback.

We obviously have some gentle souls who can’t take a few swears or criticism of their bank with four reports. :roll_eyes:

Hey Phil :wave:

I’ve re-opened to allow the discussion to continue at the moment but as everyone can understand the Code of Conduct needs to be adhered to then I’ll need to contact individuals directly.

Hope everyone is staying safe!


That’s good to see it isn’t just nuked, hopefully we have some Monzo lurkers reading all these posts to feedback to those that make the decisions the overall forums view of removing the obvious way to get in contact with their bank.

We’re all here to get a better bank so it’s important that customers can give their opinions, and we aren’t flagging to shut down someone’s opinion.

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I think this thread definitely needed locking for a bit; everyone can benefit from a cool off.
But also glad it’s been reopened. Discussions like this need to take place - as long as it’s still a discussion (i.e. constructive) and not just everyone getting upset for no reason.


:point_up_2: :raised_hands:

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So have Monzo got any tweaks in the works to keep chat accessible, but to also guide folk through self help when appropiate ?

a couple of ideas

  • prominent chat button if user has gone through more than x pages in y time
  • prominent chat button after say 30s (give enough time to read page first)
  • something which picks up keywords in opening message of chat, and shows self help while waiting in queue

:point_up: Great suggestions. Also, there is already a “did this solve your problem?” thing at the bottom of each page – but if you say no, it basically says “sorry lol”. I assume that is helping train the search, but maybe that could also help funnel people into chat if they need it?


This is also already in the app, and has helped me in the past

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I’ve been reading through this thread and thought, surely it can’t be that bad… Now I know that it definitely is.

I need to do a Chargeback. Fair enough I might have to jump through hoops because the button isn’t immediately obvious. So I search for Chargeback:

OK, I already know what a Chargeback is but it’s the nearest thing, fair enough

Right OK, good explanation but I’ve already done all of this. So No, it hasn’t resolved the problem and clearly says I need to contact them straight away.

OK but there’s still no option! This is absolutely insane! There’s literally no way in the app to report fraud that requires a chargeback!

This is a massive concern @simonb and @Dan5. This A/B testing needs to stop immediately. You can’t go harping in about inbound requests being down when you’re making it impossible to even do things like report fraud!


Well, I suppose you can if you’ve made it more difficult for requests to come in. :thinking:

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A worrying truth I guess. Just like cheques. Let’s add as much friction as possible and take 3 weeks to a month to process them and then profess no-one uses cheques!

Suppose it helps with the fraud figures too. No fraud if you can’t report it!

Oh well, formal complaint raised via phone as you can’t discuss chargebacks over the phone and you can’t do it in app either!


This thread (and possibly this entire forum) could benefit from applying Hanlon’s razor a lot more

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity

Now “stupidity” is an overstatement here, but I genuinely think this whole thing was just an oversight. No one is out to victimise customers or maliciously “experiment” with chat to twist some stats in a big conspiracy to justify laying off staff - their colleagues and friends??

They just wanted to try something new and didn’t think through the repercussions well. That’s all.

The consequences are pretty bad yeah, but this thread isn’t an opportunity to jump on the bandwagon, point fingers and get angry. It’s an opportunity to hold monzo accountable to what we’ve come to expect from it - being able to contact support as easily as possible and monzo being as transparent as possible in all their decisions


Can you expand on that? What do they say when you ask on the phone?

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They said that they handle all chargebacks in app they’ve since opened a chat at their end and then after waiting 40 minutes, someone has finally replied.

So no app option, a 10 minute phone call and a 40 minute wait on chat to report potential fraud.

I don’t think the 40 minute wait is a problem once you know the fraud has been reported. Having to phone up and wait for confirmation that they have your fraud report is an issue.

Out of interest, did you try going to the transaction, scrolling down, and choosing “Something wrong? Get help”?

When I tap that button, the first option in the next screen is Report fraud.


That’s exactly what I was going to ask.


I get Question this payment

and then wait 8 days…


Yeah, that’s not good :cry:

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That’s interesting, I just tried “something wrong”, and it takes me straight into chat bypassing the above screen.