Scheduled Payments Suggestions

  • Sort/Order options - Currently these show alphabetically but it would be good to have the option of viewing them in order of when they are going to come out please :raised_hands:

  • “Left to Pay” - I pay all my bills out of a bills pot and love that I can see what’s left to come out but when you click in to get more detail there isnt any form of list that tells you what is due out. Example: currently there is £28.58 “Left to Pay” so I click in and have to look through my direct debits to see what could add up to £28.58. :confused: not great.


Hi Ryan & welcome :wave:

I’m guessing you’re on Android? If you are, the scheduled payments display is pants. I’ve a mixture of Chronological listing of scheduled payments (Chrono is good :+1:) in the ‘Scheduled payments and standing orders’ section at the top, but an alphabetical listing of ‘Subscriptions & Direct Debits’ in the lower section (Alpha is bad :-1:)

Not good.

The Bills pot however is better - it has all of the scheduled payments above (except Subscriptions/CPA’s) and shows them all in chronological order (:+1:) - but this view misses out those subscriptions/CPA’s unfortunately and can’t be relied on for an overall view of planned outgoings. It’s messy and needs tidying up.

“Left to Pay” currently takes you through to the on-the-way-out ‘Summary’ which is to be ultimately replaced by ‘Trends’, so there’s a bit of a flux period here while it all gets sorted or not. I’ll add that “Left to Pay” does in fact consider subscriptions/CPA’s, along with scheduled/standing orders/direct debits in the current reporting cycle and has been very accurate for us (Joint account for all our sins)


Hey David.

Thankyou :relaxed: Yep Android here :robot:

  • ‘Chrono order’ - The Bills pot screen is indeed in Chrono order and much easier to review, thankyou, will use that one going forward. Hopefully they’ll add Chrono to scheduled payments screen also.

  • Left to Pay’ - this is again from my Bills pot screen that I’m viewing this. It would be nice if the left to pay items were highlighted or put under a separate part of the menu as I have a mix of DD’s, card payments, and a £15 scheduled transfer to cover Monzo Premium. So they’re all in their respective sections of this screen. That actually brings me on to another suggestion…

  • 'Monzo Premium Payment" - I don’t understand why we can’t pay this from a pot :frowning:


Weirdly, if I go into my Bills scheduled, it refreshes and changes the top payments randomly. If I click on a payment then click out it refreshes to a different order…

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Recent reveals of the app code show this is planned. But when it is introduced (or ‘if’) is another story. I wouldn’t know…