Recently had my Monzo card cloned but could have been a lot worse

The terms and conditions can be found here:

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Thanks, quick reply!
That was the point I was making, more for the benefit of the poster, rather than being prescriptiveā€¦


RFID protection sleeve is pretty pointless. Contactless fraud is very low and there have been no reported cases of contactless skimming.


Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m not that girl who panics about contactless scams like some media outlets with ā€˜contactless scam on the rise 1500% increaseā€™ titles (though they are about frauds commited when card is physically stolen). :sweat_smile: Contactless fraud ā€˜isā€™ doable though, rfid sleeve simply gives a peace of mind, especially with cards used less frequently. With Ā£1 or less cost and no inconvenince - why not. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

Haha! Yes, Iā€™ll admit it gives peace of mind but Iā€™m just concerned but how much the uneducated public (not you!) understands about the issues. For instance I know people that just wonā€™t use contactless because they feel itā€™s insecureā€¦but itā€™s still a contactless card so they are getting all the inherant insecurities for 0 benefit!


Personally I prefer contactless as it is more secure. A stolen card would normally limit them to a Ā£30 transaction. However I hate using chip and pin in a queue of people as they can shoulder surf and if they then mug you they could spend up to the limit of your account.I would love banks to have the option of printing on cards ā€œonly valid with photo IDā€ and you can only make a transaction if you show a national ID card or passport

Monzo is the only bank that has activated my periodic ā€˜enter pinā€™ after a number of contactless transactions. Happened a couple of times.

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do you mind explaining that a little bit more? So youā€™ve asked Monzo to ask for your PIN after x number of contactless payments?

No they have not asked Monzo to do it, but under the contactless scheme in the UK banks may ask for your PIN after doing a number of contactless transactions to make sure it is in your possession. This user has not noticed other banks do so yet but says it has happened with their Monzo card

Itā€™s never happened to me with Monzo and I must be on 1000+ contactless transactions! Iā€™d imagine itā€™s just a fluke

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or his transactions were particularly dodgy :slight_smile:

If I remember right my Nationwide debit card used to do that. After several contactless transactions in a row it would ask me to do a chip and PIN one before contactless could be used again. Never noticed that with Monzo though.

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I was asked to enter PIN for contactless transaction under Ā£10 when paying with Monzo card. It could have been weird terminal hiccup, but I also made an assumption that it could have been Monzo checking up on me. I never learned which one it was.

In general, this setting seems to be put in place to make our cards safer. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s in our best interests to have details publicly available (as it informs thieves too). :sweat_smile: :smiley:

I constantly get asked for my pin with Santander after 2-3 transactionā€™s in the same day, never with monzo.

It depends very much on the issuing banks fraud prevention scheme. I think itā€™s meant to ask for a PIN at least every 20-30 transactions

I am not sure if am about to get called a twit but i made my own rfid blocking sleeve as soon as my card arrived with aluminium foil some cardboard glue and tape because i have never had contactless and am naturally suspicious so i keep that sleeve in my wallet slip with the card inserted so no cloners can catch me off guard.:joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

and wrapped your passport up in tin foil too? that also has RFID

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Arggh hehe no i hadnā€™t realised that but they can clone my passport but they will never clone me::sunglasses: (terminator voice) so that will be a useless job!


Fallback fraud (what it sounds like this probably was) is a huge problem, and personally I think banks are way too quick to approve fallback. Is there a way we could have a ā€˜decline all fallback transactionsā€™ flag set on our accounts in the app?

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I can confirm that this is not true. Iā€™ve on many occasions deliberately triggered a fallback transaction in a Tesco store.