PS4 Or Xbox One

Xbox 360…don’t have any other consoles…:frowning:

PS4… mainly as that what most of my friends and I purchased on release.

Some of them since also went Xbox, but I don’t play enough to warrant more than one ‘proper’ console. (I did keep my OG Wii, basically just for Wii Sports / Wii Fit).

With cross-play on Fortnite, we can also now play with our PC based friend. It will be interesting to see the future of cross-play for AAA games. Unless there is some sort of Forza Xbox (example) deal tying a developer to one platform, why would they want to continue to limit their distribution channels?

I first started out with a PS1 (Original size) and went to a PS2. Went to Xbox 360, I’ve also had a PS3 (but didn’t like it). Now I’ve got a Xbox One S.

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Very similar for me.

Have had every single Playstation going, with an Xbox One (with that Kinect bar thing) for a few months but I went back to Playstation.

Yes had the Kinect too… not great.