👀👀👀👀 [Pay from pots with virtual cards]

Ah, that makes sense! Mis-interpreted that then

Though as it has the word virtual one, surely it could also insert the name of the pot and just say that’s what the real card would look like?

Gimme job and gladly :joy::pray:

(Perhaps we could send a Community open letter? :thinking:)


Blog post: https://monzo.com/blog/pay-on-card-from-a-pot/

And also out on Twitter now: https://twitter.com/monzo/status/1440262673124388865


What am I doing wrong, as everytime I look at my virtual cards, there is no option to add to Apple Pay.

Do they need to be linked to a completely different pot?

They need to be new cards, not existing ones too.

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Ahhhhhhhh! ok that makes sense then

This sounds great! :raised_hands:t3:

Looking for some clarification - does this mean I need to create and assign a virtual card to each subscription pot I want a payment coming from?

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You can use the same pot if you want, just label it subscriptions or whatever you like and let them all come out of the one OR you may use different ones if you like. You can have a maximum of 5 cards at once.


Awesome, thanks @Ashton :raised_hands:t3::grin:

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Seems to be semi broken I guess.
I added all my VCs for pot payments to Google Pay via the Google Payments website, since adding them via the app doesn’t sync to Google Payments. I had an “active card check” for each of these cards as expected, which appears within the feed for the attached pot and NOT my main account feed (which is what we are expecting right now). These active card checks (all at £0.00) show in my Google Sheets feed, minus any information about which card it is.

However, when I use one of the cards to pay for Petrol later that day, this DOESN’T appear in my Google sheets, but does appear in the pot transaction feed.

Also, roundups don’t work on the VC cards used with a pot, in case it’s not been mentioned yet.


I love this! The only feedback I have for this is, you should be able to freeze virtual cards, and increase the maximum to more than 5. Great work!

Curious to know how that would help or solve something?

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My thoughts exactly, especially as you can set delete dates and worse case someone steals your virtual card details they can only take what’s in the pot

You can also delete a virtual card instantly should you want to

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This is a feature I’ve been waiting a long time for. But… in that time I’ve developed a minor addiction to spreadsheeting, without the data showing in my sheets import I’m going to have to wait a bit, and see if that gets added


Yeah I ran into this issue when trying to purchase IPhone 13. I had to approve the payment but I couldn’t see it in the main feed. I didn’t realise until the next day that I had to approve the transaction at the pot level. Will take some getting used to I guess

That’s quite annoying! I have a “Subscriptions” virtual card set up so that if I end up losing the debit card then I don’t have to go and change each and every service over. And now I do! (unless there’s a workaround or they’re going to allow changing older virtual cards at some point in the near future?)

Did a bill split from a virtual card linked to my bills pot yesterday.

But the money came back into my current account, not the pot.

I’m not totally against that tbh, but it’s not consistent with the way the pot/virtual card is non-existent in summary and separated out in trends etc.

I would like bill splitting on my connected accounts one day, and I guess that would just go into my current account.

But within Monzo, if pots and virtual cards are their own feeds and entities now… surely money from splits on those transactions should go into the relevant pot and feed?


I’m in two minds on this, because I think the way this works depends on the use case and your approach to using pots. Both are valid, but how do Monzo determine which approach to take in each circumstance?

As it stands now, for most things, I move the full bill amount to the pot ahead of time with an automatic transfer. So it’s actually my personal account that’s out of pocket until the bill is due. When the bill is paid and I’m paid back it goes into my personal account rather than my bills account, balancing things out.

On the other hand if you’re using a pot for spending, like you did with a virtual card, it makes a lot more sense to return the funds directly to the pot!

I think right now, the current solution is the best one all around, because it makes no assumptions and treats pots exactly like what they are. Or rather what they’re not, accounts.

In the future perhaps it would make more logical sense to look at where the final transaction came from and return payments to that place when they arrive. So because bills are withdrawn to your personal account first, payments from splitting those bills will still land in your personal account.

But in the case of spending from a pot with a virtual card, because everything stays in the pot, Monzo could return money paid back to that pot.

Now you’ve brought this up, if this happens, I’d like to see them go all the way with it! And they absolutely could with some fancy automated processes they leave invisible to the user. The money goes into your monzo account. Monzo see it’s a friend paying you back for a bill you split on your RBS account, and automagically initiate a faster payments transfer of that same amount to your RBS account. Consolidate the feed items to reduce clutter, and ta da! You’ve used Monzo’s bill split feature on a connected account and been paid back to that connected account!


Nicely put @N26throwaway all ways of the pot being used for bills.