Open banking aggregator

  1. They have similar spending analytics and budgeting features to Monzo. If Monzo was my only account I wouldn’t bother with an aggregator. But if you also also use other accounts you may find it useful to have an overview of all accounts in a single app and have features such as spending tracking and budgeting encompassing all your accounts collectively.

  2. Some use freemium models, charging for additional features not available in free version. Some have in-app referrals and utility switching and earn commission on these.

  3. I’ve taken a look at Emma, Yolt, MoneyHub, Money Dashboard, Bankin, Spendee and Snoop. Of these Emma is my favourite and its the only one I’ve used continuosly since I started looking at account aggregation apps in mid 2018. I occasionally go back and look at the others but have stuck with Emma.

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