NS&I Premium Bonds

I won nothing


I had the same when I rang metro bankā€¦ scarily realistic

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It was the general intonation and ā€œermmā€ now and again that made it so realistic. It was only when I asked ā€œhimā€ to repeat something because the line was crackly that I started to get suspicious because he said the same thing with exactly the same intonation and ā€œermmā€ :slight_smile:


I now need to try this :thinking:

I still remember post offices having a special dispenser for NS&I and Girobank forms. I always wanted a Girobank account in my early teens but I suspect Alliance & Leicester had swallowed them up by the time I was old enough.

Broadly relevant:



I do not like these changesā€¦

Also, if I apply for an account with NS&I, will I have to go through the whole ID check thing again (I already hold PB)?

I donā€™t think so if you login to your account and apply from there.

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22,000:1 odds for each Ā£1 bond, so statistically you should have ~2 winning bonds each month if you have the max Ā£50k sitting in premium bonds?

There are lies, damn lies and statistics.

If you already hold an account with NS&I you donā€™t normally need to have further ID checks.

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Prize value Winning Bond Holding Area Bond Value Purchased
Ā£1,000,000 408VD714629 Ā£35,000 Cumbria Ā£35,000 Aug-20
Ā£1,000,000 540HZ735699 Ā£100 Cleveland Ā£100 May-23

Anyone from Cleveland and have Ā£100 of Premium Bonds?

Check your High-Value prizes here: High value winners | NS&I


Ooft, someoneā€™s won Ā£100k on a fiver theyā€™ve had for 48 years :scream:


If they are still alive/can be found!

So, silly question, but whatā€™s the difference between ā€˜Holdingā€™ and ā€˜Bond Valueā€™

Is this really someone bought Ā£25 in bonds last month and won Ā£10k this month? Or do they actually have Ā£47k in bonds?

Iā€™m fairly sure that holding is the total amount of PB one owns. Bond value I think it the total value to bonds that you purchased. So say one purchased Ā£100 of premium bonds. That would add Ā£100 to the holding value, and that Ā£100 would all have a similar bond range (XXXXXX100-XXXXXX199 or something like that), which means that even if only one of those bonds wins, that Ā£1 bond was part of a larger Ā£100 purchase, which has a bond value of Ā£100. At least, thatā€™s my understanding of the situation.

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Bit dark ngl. Wouldnā€™t the deceased family/relatives get in touch with NS&I in order to withdraw the funds so they can be given out as part of the estate? Or wouldnā€™t NS&I realise that the person is ded and either try and return the money to next of kin/put them into the residual account/give it to the governmentā€™s charity recovery thing.

If they know they exist. With Ā£5 worth they might not. In 48 years do you think anyone is going to find every single Ā£5 that youā€™ve added to various accounts?

And how are they going to know this person is dead? And even if they are, the bonds could be passed on.

Premium Bonds canā€™t be passed on after death. The Bonds can stay in the draw for up to 12 months after the person has died, and any winnings would be paid to the executors, but after they they have to be cashed in.

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Both are true.

They have Ā£47k in total and a Ā£25 bond purchased last month won the Ā£10k.

They must be reinvesting prizes for this to happen.

My grandma won 10k a week after she passed on :frowning: