Need some help with My MSc Cyber Security dissertation Survey!

I’m conducting research at the University of Plymouth on “Ensuring Cyber Security in Digital Banking: A Dispersed
Approach,” supervised by Dr Rory Hopcraft.
Could you please take 10 minutes to
complete my survey? Your participation would be greatly appreciated. Feel free
to share it with friends and colleagues.
Here’s the survey link:

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Something about asking for people’s opinion, reaction, understanding or practises on Cybersecurity seems a bit… off, somehow.

Might just be me.

Hi and welcome :wave:

I’ve moved this to the financial chat area as it’s not really an idea for Monzo to work on.

In regards to the survey itself, I’ll be honest and say I struggled for a few reasons and stopped completing it in the end.

  1. It looks like you are asking for specifically information from Infrastructure managers?CyberSec teams etc within banks etc. I’m a Director of Technology, and my area does include cybersecurity etc, but that’s not in banking.
  2. Its very technical and organisational specific. I’d be very surprised if anyone would willing tell you that information in that level of detail.

Nope, I can also see why this survey might be difficult - I think potentially it is valid, but equally I can’t see a cybersecurity person willing going into that level of detail with someone off the internet.

Yep, not clicking that!

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Hi! thank you for fitting my survey in the correct section. I understand, however this survey is open for everyone regardless of any particular sector, you can answer accordingly to your sector.

Why have I been chosen? In the context of digital banking, the sampling technique for this survey research is purposefully choosing participants who have experience in managing cybersecurity inside the dispersed digital banking sector. The selection of participants will be based on their positions as executives, cybersecurity specialists, or IT specialists in these organizations. This strategy attempts to collect information about the tactics digital banks use to protect information security in various geographic contexts.

That’s not what it says though…


Ah, dissertation surveys :relieved:


yes, it is