Monzo vs. HSBC

Same awful experience here.

When I arrived in the UK they looked like a solid bank due to their branding so I wanted to open my first account there. After several one-hour appointments and hard searches on my credit file (which ruined my credit 3 days after arriving in the country, thanks HSBC :joy:) they declined my application as the proof of employment (a printed PDF sent from the head office to my employer’s local branch) according to them didn’t have the proper letterhead. :roll_eyes:

WTF does that even mean - every company has their own design guidelines that define what the “proper” letterhead is. If it’s about money laundering they shouldn’t be looking at the letterhead in the first place - call the company directly and ask them to authenticate the document, as a fraudster will easily forge any letterhead they so desire.

In the end I went with Nationwide - still legacy rust but at the very least they opened the account with no issues. One thing is certain though, I am never going back to a legacy rust-based bank again. I’d rather deal with the shortcomings of challenger banks (like the lack of Apple Pay) than go through this nonsense.