Monzo Referrals Give/Request Golden Tickets 🎫

Can’t see it ??? Thanks :slight_smile: claimed :rocket:

If someone could spare a golden ticket it would be greatly appreciated

Anyone has AGolden ticket Please, been waiting for ages i need to start using MONZO ASAP

Hey there,

Could I have a golden ticket please!


As above - a Golden Ticket would be amazing

Here - claimed claimed claimed claimed claimed :rocket:

Hi can I have a golden ticket please?

I keep missing them!

If anyone could post another golden ticket that would be great.


I was 6 minutes too late, any more golden tickets please

Hi guys.

Can a very nice golden person send me a golden ticket.

It would be very very appreciated by myself.

Alisha. :kissing_heart:

Hi Dave my name is Ellie and I have stupidly left everything to the last minute and I’m now in a panic! I travel on the 6th October but the app says my card won’t arrive until the 9th…do you know where I can find an elusive golden ticket?
Many many thanks in advance

Does anyone know how (apart from the 3 friends referral) I can get a golden ticket? I have stupidly left everything too late and am travelling on the 6th October and the app says my card won’t arrive until the 9th :disappointed:
So many thanks in advance

Hi Ellie, there’s not really a way other than finding one on these forums or getting a ticket from a friend.

You’ll have to keep checking on here!

Where does your app tell you when its arriving and how do you top up? As it just says 46,000 people are in front of me and it doesn’t give me any other options.

Looking for a golden ticket please, currently position 49,461

@Missbaggs the golden ticket doesn’t make the card arrive any faster :smiley:

Hi Monzo,
I was told about the monzo community and how good its current accounts are. I will be going away on holidays in a few weeks and from what I’ve been told, Monzo is the best account to use while abroad. Please I would like to sign up for a current account and how do I go about this.


At this early stage, in order to be eligible for the current account, you’ll need to have been a Monzo customer for at least six months, with the majority of your transactions made in GBP in the UK and be a UK resident.