Monzo for Android - Teardowns & Deep Dives šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’»

Makes sense as they donā€™t want to be liable

Youā€™ve got to remind me folks, Iā€™m terrible at this stuff! I jolted out of bed this morning and gasped at how late I am with this :rofl:

Version 3.79.0 (60.16 MB) :tada::tada::tada: - Weā€™ve added clearer explanations when a payment is declined in our two-factor authentication service (the window that pops up and asks you to confirm itā€™s really you making an online payment).

New Strings:

<string name="declined_authentication_abandoned_by_cardholder">You didnā€™t approve this payment in time</string>
<string name="declined_authentication_expired">You approved this payment a while ago</string>
<string name="declined_authentication_rejected_by_cardholder">You declined this payment</string>
<string name="declined_authentication_reused">We stopped you being charged more than once</string>
<string name="declined_authorization_amount_higher_than_authentication_amount">We stopped you being overcharged</string>

<string name="invoice_created_download_pdf_button">Invoice PDF</string>
<string name="invoice_created_primary_button">Share invoice PDF</string>
<string name="invoice_created_secondary_button">Save and share later</string>
<string name="invoice_created_subheading">Choose how to share with your customer, or access later from the invoices tab</string>
<string name="invoice_created_title">Invoice created</string>

<string name="invoice_status_title_sent_or_open">Due</string>
<string name="invoices_all_empty_title">All invoices</string>

<string name="settings_open_banking_income_verification_privacy_title">Decisions using Open Banking privacy notice</string>
<string name="settings_open_banking_income_verification_terms_title">Decisions using Open Banking terms</string>

Removed Strings:

<string name="invoice_status_title_sent">Awaiting payment</string>
<string name="invoices_all_empty_title">Sent invoices</string>

<string name="overdraft_information_title">Overdraft Information</string>

<string name="settings_notifications_subtitle">Weā€™ll always send you notifications for failed transactions and other important things.</string>
<string name="settings_open_banking_income_verification_privacy_title">Decisions using open banking privacy notice</string>
<string name="settings_open_banking_income_verification_terms_title">Decisions using open banking terms</string>

New IDā€™s:

<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedAmountTextView" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedButtonsFooter" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedDescriptionTextView" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedDownloadPdfButton" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedDownloadPdfLoadingView" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedToolbar" />

<item type="id" name="legacyOverdraftIntroToolbar" />

<item type="id" name="multiSelectContactRadioButton" />

<item type="id" name="overdraftIntroAppBarLayout" />
<item type="id" name="overdraftIntroBannerImage" />
<item type="id" name="overdraftIntroBodyTextView" />
<item type="id" name="overdraftIntroCollapsingToolbarLayout" />
<item type="id" name="overdraftIntroRecyclerView" />
<item type="id" name="overdraftIntroTitleTextView" />

<item type="id" name="peerPaymentButtons" />
<item type="id" name="peerPaymentToolbar" />

Removed IDā€™s:

<item type="id" name="jointAccountsChooseContactContainer" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmContactButton" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmImageView" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmInfoText" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmName" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmTitle" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmToolbar" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsInviteDescription" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsInviteLoadingErrorView" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsInviteRecyclerView" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsInviteToolbar" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsPostponeButton" />

<item type="id" name="multiSelectContactCheckbox" />

New Assets:
Invoice created sparkle

Changed Assets:


Deleted Assets:


Ohh overdraft UI changes? That legacy ID and then a whole bunch of new stuff.

1 Like

:rotating_light: Pester-Mode Activated :rotating_light:



Iā€™m on the ball this week to make up for last week :sweat_smile:

Version 3.80.0 (60.18 MB) :tada::tada::tada: - Weā€™ve made invoices even better! If youā€™ve got a Monzo Business Pro account, you can now send your customers invoices as a PDF ā€“ straight from the app. You can also add more information to the summary and footer, so itā€™s easier for customers to know what an invoice is for.

Weā€™ve also added bill split payment reminders, just in case your friends forget to pay you for 5-a-side (again).

New Strings:

<string name="invoice_status_title_sent">Awaiting payment</string>
<string name="invoices_all_empty_title">Sent invoices</string>

<string name="overdraft_information_title">Overdraft Information</string>

<string name="settings_notifications_subtitle">Weā€™ll always send you notifications for failed transactions and other important things.</string>
<string name="settings_open_banking_income_verification_privacy_title">Decisions using open banking privacy notice</string>
<string name="settings_open_banking_income_verification_terms_title">Decisions using open banking terms</string>

Removed Strings:

<string name="declined_authentication_abandoned_by_cardholder">You didnā€™t approve this payment in time</string>
<string name="declined_authentication_expired">You approved this payment a while ago</string>
<string name="declined_authentication_rejected_by_cardholder">You declined this payment</string>
<string name="declined_authentication_reused">We stopped you being charged more than once</string>
<string name="declined_authorization_amount_higher_than_authentication_amount">We stopped you being overcharged</string>

<string name="invoice_created_download_pdf_button">Invoice PDF</string>
<string name="invoice_created_primary_button">Share invoice PDF</string>
<string name="invoice_created_secondary_button">Save and share later</string>
<string name="invoice_created_subheading">Choose how to share with your customer, or access later from the invoices tab</string>
<string name="invoice_created_title">Invoice created</string>

<string name="invoice_status_title_sent_or_open">Due</string>
<string name="invoices_all_empty_title">All invoices</string>

<string name="settings_open_banking_income_verification_privacy_title">Decisions using Open Banking privacy notice</string>
<string name="settings_open_banking_income_verification_terms_title">Decisions using Open Banking terms</string>

New IDā€™s:

<item type="id" name="jointAccountsChooseContactContainer" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmContactButton" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmImageView" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmInfoText" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmName" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmTitle" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmToolbar" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsInviteDescription" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsInviteLoadingErrorView" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsInviteRecyclerView" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsInviteToolbar" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsPostponeButton" />

<item type="id" name="multiSelectContactCheckbox" />

Removed IDā€™s:

<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedAmountTextView" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedButtonsFooter" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedDescriptionTextView" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedDownloadPdfButton" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedDownloadPdfLoadingView" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedToolbar" />

<item type="id" name="legacyOverdraftIntroToolbar" />

<item type="id" name="multiSelectContactRadioButton" />

<item type="id" name="overdraftIntroAppBarLayout" />
<item type="id" name="overdraftIntroBannerImage" />
<item type="id" name="overdraftIntroBodyTextView" />
<item type="id" name="overdraftIntroCollapsingToolbarLayout" />
<item type="id" name="overdraftIntroRecyclerView" />
<item type="id" name="overdraftIntroTitleTextView" />

<item type="id" name="peerPaymentButtons" />
<item type="id" name="peerPaymentToolbar" />

New Assets:


Changed Assets:


Deleted Assets:

Invoice created sparkle (was only added in the last release!)


I havenā€™t seen this mentioned and probably not worth a new thread, but I noticed that android had the option to unlock with the card pin when biometrics failed, which is in an issue for me too often with wet or dirty hands, so I was happy to see it.

Thing is I canā€™t reproduce seeing that option now , has anyone seen this option?


That option is not there for me currently (:android: beta)

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Iā€™m on the android beta too, but I still canā€™t get the option again, I didnā€™t clickon it and clicked retry for biometrics, and when I went back to have a look it was gone.

When I unlocked the app I had the new tabs, so maybe it was updating or something and caused it to not be able to contact the fingerprint API ?

That or I was dreaming.


Version 3.81.0 (60.28 MB) :tada::tada::tada: - Applying for a Monzo overdraft? We can now check your income through Open Banking (if itā€™s paid into a supported bank), meaning thereā€™s a better chance we can offer overdrafts to more people.

Plus, you can now download a single bank statement that covers the last 3 months or one that covers all time in Statement History.

New Strings:

<string name="bill_split_reminder_sent_confirmation">Weā€™ve let them know</string>

<string name="choose_feature_completed">completed</string>
<string name="choose_feature_done">Done</string>
<string name="choose_feature_skip">Skip</string>

<string name="declined_authentication_abandoned_by_cardholder">You didnā€™t approve this payment in time</string>
<string name="declined_authentication_expired">You approved this payment a while ago</string>
<string name="declined_authentication_rejected_by_cardholder">You declined this payment</string>
<string name="declined_authentication_reused">We stopped you being charged more than once</string>
<string name="declined_authorization_amount_higher_than_authentication_amount">We stopped you being overcharged</string>

<string name="drawer_credit_pot_manage_tab">Manage</string>
<string name="edit_accounts_closed_pots_action">Closed Pots</string>

<string name="intl_convenience_fee">convenience fee</string>
<string name="intl_exchange_rate">live exchange rate</string>

<string name="intl_payment_toolbar_balance">Balance %s</string>
<string name="intl_payment_toolbar_title">International transfer</string>
<string name="intl_source_amount_label">You send</string>
<string name="intl_target_amount_label">Recipient gets</string>
<string name="intl_wise_fee">Wise fee</string>

<string name="invoice_action_change_invoice_status">Change invoice status</string>
<string name="invoice_action_share">Share invoice</string>
<string name="invoice_action_void">Void invoice</string>
<string name="invoice_created_download_pdf_button">Invoice PDF</string>
<string name="invoice_created_primary_button">Share invoice PDF</string>
<string name="invoice_created_secondary_button">Save and share later</string>
<string name="invoice_created_subheading">Choose how to share with your customer, or access later from the invoices tab</string>
<string name="invoice_created_title">Invoice created</string>
<string name="invoice_details_download_pdf_button">Invoice PDF</string>
<string name="invoice_details_options_bottomsheet_title">Invoice options</string>
<string name="invoice_dowloading">Downloadingā€¦</string>
<string name="invoice_due_tomorrow">Due tomorrow</string>

<string name="invoice_status_title_sent_or_open">Due</string>
<string name="invoices_all_empty_title">All invoices</string>

<string name="payees_hub_pay_international_subtitle">Powered by Wise</string>
<string name="payees_hub_pay_international_title">International transfer</string>

<string name="pot_add_image">Add image</string>
<string name="pot_change_image">Change image</string>

<string name="settings_open_banking_income_verification_privacy_title">Decisions using Open Banking privacy notice</string>
<string name="settings_open_banking_income_verification_terms_title">Decisions using Open Banking terms</string>

<string name="sms_verification_error_message_invalid_phone_number">Code incorrect, please try again</string>

<string name="statement_custom_period_button_text">Custom date range</string>
<string name="statement_history_all_time">All time</string>
<string name="statement_history_date_to_date">%1$s ā€“ %2$s</string>
<string name="statement_history_date_to_present">%s ā€“ Present</string>
<string name="statement_history_export_shortcut_header">Export shortcuts</string>
<string name="statement_history_last_three_months">Last 3 full months</string>
<string name="statement_history_this_month_title">Current month to date</string>

Removed Strings:

<string name="invoice_action_void">Void</string>
<string name="invoice_status_title_sent">Awaiting payment</string>
<string name="invoices_all_empty_title">Sent invoices</string>

<string name="overdraft_information_title">Overdraft Information</string>

<string name="pot_change_image">Change Image</string>

<string name="settings_notifications_subtitle">Weā€™ll always send you notifications for failed transactions and other important things.</string>
<string name="settings_open_banking_income_verification_privacy_title">Decisions using open banking privacy notice</string>
<string name="settings_open_banking_income_verification_terms_title">Decisions using open banking terms</string>

<string name="statemen_custom_period_button_text">Customise date range</string>
<string name="statement_custom_header">Custom statement</string>
<string name="statement_history_current_balance">Current balance ā€“ %s</string>
<string name="statement_history_this_month_date">%s ā€“ Present</string>
<string name="statement_history_this_month_header">This month</string>

New IDā€™s:

<item type="id" name="actionValueText" />

<item type="id" name="editActionItemLayout" />

<item type="id" name="homeCardHeaderPill" />

<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedAmountTextView" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedBusinessLogoImageView" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedBusinessNameTextView" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedButtonsFooter" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedDescriptionTextView" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedDownloadPdfButton" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedDownloadPdfLoadingView" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedNumberTextView" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedStatusPillTextView" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedToolbar" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceDownloadButtonTextView" />

<item type="id" name="legacyOverdraftIntroToolbar" />

<item type="id" name="multiSelectContactRadioButton" />

<item type="id" name="overdraftIntroAppBarLayout" />
<item type="id" name="overdraftIntroBannerImage" />
<item type="id" name="overdraftIntroBodyTextView" />
<item type="id" name="overdraftIntroCollapsingToolbarLayout" />
<item type="id" name="overdraftIntroRecyclerView" />

<item type="id" name="peerPaymentButtons" />
<item type="id" name="peerPaymentToolbar" />

<item type="id" name="reminderButton" />

Removed IDā€™s:

<item type="id" name="accountHeaderPillContainer" />
<item type="id" name="homeCardHeaderPillIcon" />
<item type="id" name="homeCardHeaderPillLabel" />

<item type="id" name="jointAccountsChooseContactContainer" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmContactButton" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmImageView" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmInfoText" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmName" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmTitle" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsConfirmToolbar" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsInviteDescription" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsInviteLoadingErrorView" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsInviteRecyclerView" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsInviteToolbar" />
<item type="id" name="jointAccountsPostponeButton" />

<item type="id" name="loadingContainer" />

<item type="id" name="multiSelectContactCheckbox" />

<item type="id" name="peerPaymentButton" />
<item type="id" name="peerPaymentLoadingView" />

<item type="id" name="phoneNumberEditText" />
<item type="id" name="phoneNumberInputLayout" />
<item type="id" name="phoneUpdateContent" />

<item type="id" name="smsSendButtonFooter" />
<item type="id" name="smsSendToolbar" />

<item type="id" name="verificationCodeEditText" />
<item type="id" name="verificationCodeInputLayout" />
<item type="id" name="verificationMessage" />

New Assets:

Minus Symbol

Invoice Created Sparkle (3rd time lucky? :rofl: )

Changed Assets:


Deleted Assets:


Hint at upcoming credit pot, rather than credit card maybe :thinking:


Oh very interesting :eyes::eyes:

1 Like

Ooh, I wonder if you would be able to hook a virtual card (or even your physical card) to a credit pot - a bit like we think you might be able to for normal pots in the future? That might even give you s75 protection, too, and be useful for things like hotels and car hireā€¦ :thinking:


Most of those need to see the physical card (or be able to pay directly with it) donā€™t they? Maybe if they hook them up to Apple Pay/Google Pay too, itā€™ll work.

1 Like

That would be sick. I imagine you would be able to transfer money out of the pot into current account balance. Every month thereā€™s a automated payment similar to subscriptions for plus and premium to clear the balance

My Spidey-sense is tingling :spider_web:

Credit pot which works with either Current account (all customers) or Virtual card (Plus/Premium users) and allows s75 protection, can distribute available credit to other pots/account and has a repayment system which can be automated (like the Monzo loan workflow). Physical card optional with non Plus/Premium customers and can be obtained on request by Plus/Premium customers. Gotta keep the income streams streaming.

But will it work with Joint Accounts?




This would be brilliant. Get rid of overdraft and move that to credit pot. Ability to use a pot with a credit balance as a credit pot instead. Jobā€™s a goodā€™un.

Now youā€™re in fantasy land. :pensive::couple:


I Maybe wrong but you couldnā€™t then get S75 on this could you? Isnā€™t the point of S75 to protect you when youā€™re borrowing the money to pay for something


Not in that circumstance. But itā€™d give you the option to basically have an offset pot / provide your own overdraft.


A credit card is just a short term loan at the end of the day, because youā€™re spending someone elses money - promising them to pay it back

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