Monzo for Android - Teardowns & Deep Dives šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’»

:point_right: Highlights ā€“ Version: 3.17.0 BETA Channel Release :point_left:
Disclaimer: things below are subject to change, could just be tests or might be reverted!
Please note version 3.16 is 3.17, there was an issue when this release was merged back in and effectively 3.16 has been skipped.

Wow quite a lot seems to have changed in this release.

Deleted Strings: - Seems Monzo Points is being removed here :sleepy:

<string name="account_points_balance_card_title">Your points</string>
<string name="borrowing_hub_eligible_overdraft_text">Choose your own limit. Thereā€™s no fees for the first %1$s. After that, itā€™s %2$dp a day, no matter how overdrawn you go.</string>
<string name="monzo_points_header">Points</string>
<string name="monzo_points_home_menu_info">How this works</string>
<string name="monzo_points_title">See what youā€™ve earned</string>
<string name="monzo_points_toolbar_title">Monzo Points</string>
<string name="payments_move_payment_account_selector_title">Which account would you like to move this payment to?</string>
<string name="payments_move_payment_action">Move payment to another account</string>
<string name="payments_move_payment_not_supported_body">Only the person who moved this payment can move it back to the account it came from.</string>
<string name="payments_move_payment_not_supported_title">You canā€™t move this here</string>
<string name="payments_move_payment_pin_title">Move payment</string>
<string name="payments_move_payment_too_soon_body">We canā€™t move your payment back right now. You can move this payment 2 working days after you last moved it.</string>
<string name="payments_move_payment_too_soon_title">You canā€™t move this yet</string>
<string name="profile_update_email_dialog_message">If you want to update your email address, please chat with our customer support.</string>
<string name="settings_update_email_dialog_message">If you want to update your email address, please chat with our customer support.</string>
<string name="vc_details_card_details_label_action">Show details</string>

Changed Strings:

<string name="automatic_export_card_title">Auto-export transactions</string>
<string name="credit_tracker_toolbar_title">Credit Score</string>

Changed Feature Flags:

<boolean name="overdraft_notification_settings_enabled" value="false" />
<boolean name="savings_ghost_pot_enabled" value="true" />
<boolean name="spent_by_card_enabled" value="true" />
<boolean name="help_article_rating" value="true" />

New Feature Flags:

<boolean name="savings_issue_enabled_Paragon_2020_01_23_Easy_Access" value="false" />
<boolean name="transaction_split_enabled" value="false" />

NOW LOTS OF NEW STRINGS :laughing: :grin:

ATM/Transaction Disputes: N.B. I have guessed these are all linked to the same judging by their similar references to disputes

<string name="atm_dispute_anything_else_hint">Optional</string>
<string name="atm_dispute_anything_else_title">Is there anything else you want to tell us?</string>
<string name="atm_dispute_atm_receipt_secondary_action">I donā€™t have a receipt</string>
<string name="atm_dispute_atm_receipt_skip_warning_subtitle">A receipt improves the chance of getting your money back, but you can still report a dispute if you donā€™t have one</string>
<string name="atm_dispute_atm_receipt_skip_warning_title">Continue without receipt?</string>
<string name="atm_dispute_atm_receipt_title">Please add an ATM receipt that shows how much money you asked for</string>
<string name="atm_dispute_how_much_title">How much money did the ATM actually give you?</string>
<string name="atm_dispute_what_happened_hint">e.g the ATM didnā€™t give me all the cash I asked for</string>
<string name="atm_dispute_what_happened_subtitle">Please describe what happened when you tried to take money out</string>
<string name="atm_dispute_what_happened_title">What happened at the ATM?</string>
<string name="dispute_atm_intro_body">"To give you the best chance of getting your money back, we need to ask you some questions to support your case. It should only take a few minutes. If you got a receipt from the ATM, make sure you have it to hand."</string>
<string name="dispute_cofnrimation_body">Weā€™ll look through what youā€™ve told us and get back to you with an update or outcome. This usually takes 4 working days, but weā€™ll let you know if itā€™ll take longer.</string>
<string name="dispute_cofnrimation_title">All done! Weā€™ll send you an update in a few days</string>
<string name="dispute_intro_title">Disputing a transaction</string>
<string name="dispute_title">Report a dispute</string>
<string name="question_file_attach">Attach file</string>
<string name="question_file_delete">Delete</string>
<string name="question_file_retry">Retry</string>
<string name="question_file_selector_camera">Camera</string>
<string name="question_file_selector_document">Document</string>
<string name="question_file_selector_image">Photo</string>
<string name="question_file_selector_title">Pick attachment type</string>
<string name="question_file_uploading">Uploadingā€¦</string>
<string name="question_file_uploading_failed">Upload failed</string>
<string name="question_select_date_button">Select date</string>
<string name="questions_exit_dialog_message">Any information youā€™ve added about your dispute will be lost.</string>
<string name="questions_exit_dialog_positive_button">Leave</string>
<string name="questions_exit_dialog_title">Leave this dispute?</string>
<string name="questions_title">Questions</string>

Google Drive Exporting:

<string name="automatic_export_card_needs_reconnection">Authentication needed</string>
<string name="automatic_export_disconnect_dialog_description">"Weā€™ll no longer automatically export transactions to your spreadsheet. Youā€™ll need to sign in to Google again to reconnect your account. Should you reconnect, this will create a new spreadsheet."</string>
<string name="automatic_export_disconnect_dialog_negative_button">Cancel</string>
<string name="automatic_export_disconnect_dialog_positive_button">Remove access</string>
<string name="automatic_export_disconnect_dialog_title">Remove access to your Google account</string>
<string name="automatic_export_fail_button">Okay</string>
<string name="automatic_export_fail_description">Unfortunately we were unable to connect to your Google account. Please check your connection and try again..</string>
<string name="automatic_export_fail_title">Couldnā€™t connect</string>
<string name="automatic_export_intro_description">"Link your Google Drive account to your Monzo app and weā€™ll automatically export your transactions to a spreadsheet. You can pause it at any time, or remove access at the touch of a button."</string>
<string name="automatic_export_intro_security">We will never edit or delete any documents that are not created and maintained by us.</string>
<string name="automatic_export_intro_title">Automatically export your transaction data</string>
<string name="automatic_export_pause_dialog_description">We wonā€™t export any transactions to your spreadsheet while itā€™s paused. Though, your Monzo app will still have access to your Google account.</string>
<string name="automatic_export_pause_dialog_negative_button">Cancel</string>
<string name="automatic_export_pause_dialog_positive_button">Pause</string>
<string name="automatic_export_pause_dialog_title">Pause auto-export</string>
<string name="automatic_export_resume_dialog_description">Weā€™ll export your transactions to your original spreadsheet. If you have deleted it, weā€™ll create a new one.</string>
<string name="automatic_export_resume_dialog_negative_button">Cancel</string>
<string name="automatic_export_resume_dialog_positive_button">Resume</string>
<string name="automatic_export_resume_dialog_title">Resume auto-export</string>
<string name="automatic_export_status_card_description">Google Drive</string>
<string name="automatic_export_status_off">Off</string>
<string name="automatic_export_status_set_up">Set up</string>
<string name="automatic_export_success_button">Done</string>
<string name="automatic_export_success_description">"Weā€™ve connected to your Google account and will start adding future transactions to your newly created spreadsheet within your Google Drive. You can pause your export or remove access on Summary."</string>
<string name="automatic_export_success_title">Youā€™re all set</string>

Business Accounts:

<string name="business_multiuser_accept_invite_inactive_personal_card_dialog_message">You need to activate your personal account card before you can join a business account.</string>
<string name="business_multiuser_accept_invite_inactive_personal_card_dialog_title">Activate your personal account card</string>

Monzo Premium Related???:

<string name="card_design_name_holo_blue">Holographic Blue</string>
<string name="card_design_name_holo_blue_investor">Holographic Blue - Investor</string>
<string name="card_design_name_metal_white">Metal White</string>
<string name="card_design_name_metal_white_investor">Metal White - Investor</string>
<string name="plans_special_offer_details_booking_recommended">Booking ahead recommended</string>
<string name="plans_special_offer_details_booking_required">Booking ahead required</string>
<string name="plans_special_offer_details_location_subtitle">Open in Google Maps</string>
<string name="plans_special_offer_details_location_title">Directions</string>
<string name="plans_special_offer_details_offer_section_title">Offer</string>
<string name="plans_special_offer_details_open_maps_error_message">Install Google Maps to get directions</string>
<string name="plans_special_offer_details_phone_title">Phone</string>
<string name="plans_special_offer_details_read_more_button">Read more</string>
<string name="plans_special_offer_details_restaurant_info_section_title">Restaurant info</string>
<string name="plans_special_offer_details_website_title">Website</string>
<string name="plans_special_offers_empty_description">Nothing to see here. Try searching things like Edinburgh, London, or Manchester.</string>
<string name="plans_special_offers_error_message">Make sure youā€˜re connected to the internet before retrying</string>
<string name="plans_special_offers_loading_description">Finding nearby places</string>
<string name="plans_special_offers_my_location">My location</string>
<string name="plans_special_offers_search_description">"Enter your address to see nearby offers. Try things like Edinburgh, London, or Manchester. Alternatively, you can use your current location by tapping the button below."</string>
<string name="plans_special_offers_search_hint">Enter your addressā€¦</string>	
<string name="txui_virtual_card_section_title">Paid with</string>
<string name="txui_virtual_card_widget_subtitle">Virtual card</string>
<string name="vc_confirm_delete_button">Delete virtual card</string>
<string name="vc_confirm_delete_description">Deleting this virtual card could affect online payments or subscriptions. You may need to update billing details for the services below.</string>
<string name="vc_confirm_delete_title">Are you sure?</string>
<string name="vc_create_missing_name_error">Please choose a name for your new virtual card</string>
<string name="vc_create_money_source_label">Money source</string>
<string name="vc_details_card_details_action_hide_details">Hide details</string>
<string name="vc_details_card_details_action_show_details">Show details</string>
<string name="vc_details_delete_card_label">Delete card</string>
<string name="vc_details_manage_card_footer">Deleting this card will affect any active subscriptions being paid by this card</string>
<string name="vc_details_manage_card_label">Manage card</string>
<string name="vc_list_onboarding_button">Create virtual card</string>
<string name="vc_list_onboarding_description">Ever lost your card and had to update the billing details for all your subscriptions? Using virtual card keeps you in control and your real card details safe.</string>
<string name="vc_list_onboarding_subscriptions_title">Your recurring subscriptions</string>
<string name="vc_list_onboarding_title">Virtual cards, explained</string>

Other New Strings:

<string name="credit_tracker_help_toolbar_title">Help</string>
<string name="collapse_dropdown">Collapse dropdown</string>
<string name="expand_dropdown">Expand dropdown</string>
<string name="upgrade_session_biometric_dialog_title">Confirm itā€™s you to unlock the app</string>
<string name="upgrade_session_biometric_title">Please unlock the app to continue</string>
<string name="upgrade_session_try_again_action">Try again</string>

Deleted Deep Links:

New Deep Links:

New Assets: N.B. Some of these images may have changed their appearance slightly during the conversion from xml to png

ic_loading_placeholder ic_phone ic_retry ic_up icn_alert icn_file icn_link icn_target icn_virtual_card ic_loadingic_search_offers


Just had 3.17.1 Beta popup in the Play Store :sweat_smile:

Thats a good instant access saver. Not quite Marcus level good but still better than Monzoā€™s current providers.

Paragon are one of Monzoā€™s current providers, have been for a while

Beta 3.18.0 arrived. Canā€™t see much difference yet, other than all CPAā€™s have moved to the top of the ā€˜Subscriptions & Direct Debitsā€™ section of the Scheduled Payments list, and are in alphabetical order.

(pre 3.18.0 had them inserted alphabetically with all the other, proper, DIrect Debits)

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Transaction categories changed on the transaction views?

Itā€™s location has - top-left of transaction details (and smaller icon, which now matches the lower icons) in 3.18.0 as opposed to top-right in earlier versions. Same transaction select screen though, rather than the new one which was teased a few beta versions ago.

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Was the category text there before? Or is that a new thing with the repositioning of the icon?

Anyone noticed that the header in the Payments tab has changed?

Also you can switch between ā€œPaymentsā€, ā€œScheduledā€ and ā€œSharedā€ by swiping anywhere on the screen (not sure if this was possible before).

I canā€™t do this :frowning:, I hope this is an A/B and they put it in!

I can do it too.

I canā€™t remember what it looked like before though :flushed:

Itā€™s not an A/B test, itā€™s the way it looks :innocent:

Freaked me out at first :swan: ā€¦ (like that random :swan: instead of :sweat_smile: :thinking::joy:)

But soon got used to it :yum: I donā€™t think Iā€™ll mind once dark mode exists :heart_eyes: (thatā€™s not a hint or a tease yet! Just personally looking forward to it existing :grin:)

Android's Forced Dark Mode

I canā€™t remember what forced dark mode looked like when it was navy blue :thinking:

But hereā€™s what forced dark mode looks like now:

Not too bad, if you ignore the navy blue accent beneath payments :joy:


I meant this bit.

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I see what you did there, reverse pschology, so Dark Mode is :soon: :soon: :soon: yh?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Any new teardown info from the recent update.

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The new Category Picker in Monzo Labs is available after the update

Yep, I actually quite like it. It looks clean and modern :+1:

Also the new unlock with fingerprint screen/design is part of this update too.

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Has been renamed to ā€˜Unlock/authenticate by identity checkā€™ in Settings now. :face_with_monocle:


Iā€™ve brought this up with the Android devs already :hot_coral_heart:

Weā€™re being vague here because itā€™s no longer just fingerprint unlocking as weā€™re doing more work to support Googleā€™s biometric API :ok_hand: thereā€™s room for improvement though - possibly via tooltips beneath the main sentences :innocent:


Is there another one of those posts about the changes in code appearing soon ?