Moneybox app integration

This would be great, Moneybox is a really good concept and nice clean app

My kitchen drawer is very clean and the returns are better due to less punitive fees :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

haha shall I arrange a weekly deposit then? :slight_smile:

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And thereā€™s me actually Googling that thinking it was some hot new startupā€¦

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I too would love a Moneybox integration. Just noting my interest :wink:

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Thatā€™s great Alastair and I welcome you to the forum.

Can I ask if you were directed here to mention this?

Please read up - API isnā€™t ready yet.

Iā€™m pretty sure I read somewhere on the forum that Moneybox is directing people here when they ask them(Moneybox).

I can see this thread has been active for a long time, but the integration has still not happened. I use Monzo for everything now, so when will I be able to get my roundups in Moneybox please?

I refer you, again, up the thread.

To save the scroll, read this:

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Thanks for this Tomsr, I missed it when I was scrolling through the comments.

I will let Moneybox know about this, as they were the ones who told me to add my request to this feed when I asked about Monzo integration yesterday.

Yes I thought as much. Itā€™s entirely unhelpful action by themā€¦

Thereā€™s an awful lot of people interested in Moneybox/Monzo integration, so the message doesnā€™t need to be constantly repeated. They are, or should be by now, fully aware the API isnā€™t ready yet. Sending people to bombard the forum isnā€™t helping their cause, and I would suggest, is actually damaging their brand.

Itā€™s gone from something I wanted to have to something I will avoid because of these tactics.

But - all that aside, @hazymoments - a genuine and heartfelt welcome to the community!


I had been one of those interested in it but got so peed off by the constant spamming of this community by Moneybox users at the behest of Moneybox it totally put my back up and I now will avoid them as a matter of principal


Sorry :joy:. Itā€™s just next to the man drawer with used batteries, old chargers and keys that I have never used. Iā€™m sure you understand!

The good news is enough people have commented to show Monzo that thereā€™s interest in an integration now.

It wonā€™t be possible for Moneybox to set one up until either the open API is ready or the partnerships team arranges this with Moneybox.

In the meantime, if youā€™d like to ā€˜voteā€™ for this, please like the first post in this topic :heart:

Good news, everyone :tada:

Happy saving! :moneybag: