
Is this referencing early repayment fees etc, rather than how interest is charged? I’ve confirmed with Natwest that for my loan taken out last year, 60 days of interest is charged on any repayments (so always worth overpaying unless in the final 2 months of the loan).

It was for partial early repayments. I think they can charge a month or 2 interest if settling the loan early.

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Not if that credit history contains errors. It’s probably illegal to use the non corrected credit history after a reasonable amount of time after it’s been corrected.

At least fully quote me…

You missed my emoji :scream:… I was being sarcastic


Loans showing again for me. Up to 13k.

@niamhpower moving the sliders back and forward breaks the calculator and the dial in the middle just keeps spinning. Latest android version and new nav.

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@krr13 thanks for flagging :slight_smile: paging @BorisKach :stuck_out_tongue:

Do loans constantly change? Seems depending how much money I have in my account I get offered more or less was 11k now 9k

Mines not changed and I currently have £6 in my account! - I think they do change but I don’t think money in the account at that time is one of the variables - could be wrong though.

Sounds like what I get, too.

Also using the new nav, maybe that’s why? :man_shrugging:

Thanks for following up with the video - really helps hone in on the issue

We’re looking into this now!


Any chance we’re getting to customise the loan icon in the app anytime soon? The yellow rectangle looks somewhat bland…

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Where do you access the loan area on the latest iOS TestFlight? I can’t find anything about loans anywhere on the app.

It’s under the borrowing section under the accounts overview page (assuming you’re on the new navigation)

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Thank you!

Does anyone else get this on the loan & borrowing flow? Initially it comes up saying not eligible with a good second or two of a loading animation, and then it eventually changes to the actual offering. Just seems quite unpolished and clunky!

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Yeah I get the same for the overdraft and then it remembers I already have one


I think it defaults to saying you don’t have one while fetching the data.

It should just say nothing while fetching to avoid being misleading


Yeah I get that and it’s not so much misleading, just not a great UX.

I’d say it’s misleading saying your not eligible for an OD while checking.

It should do what the ‘loans’ section does.

It’s washed out deliberately so it’s pretty clearly not telling you anything at that point. Granted it’s all personal opinion on both sides but it looks to be in a transient state (which it is) so no harm done.