Interesting way to approach credit cards, pay a monthly subscription fee depending on what you’re balance is.
However, I’m not sure whether if you’re like me and you pay off your balance in full every month with regular cards, do you still have to pay the subscription fee?
Also, I think the monthly subscription applies irrespective of what your balance is, even if you have a zero balance. The monthly subscription is based on your credit limit, the higher the credit limit the more you pay.
Interested fee model, but its just interest by another name. APR is 24%. I suppose the structure is just another way to try and confuse people, good job the law insists they show the APR so people have a way to compare to other product.
Also for ‘credit building’ cards, interest rates can be lowered with ‘good behaviour’ for want of a better way of saying it. These monthly fees seem to be fixed again irrespective of your good standing (or bad standing, if you max out your credit limit you still end up paying the same monthly fee, the same as someone who has a zero balance).
It’s a bad business model in my opinion, one that I can see as a debt spiral.
I just got a Facebook ad for these guys, inviting ‘10,000 Londoners’ to sign up to a limited edition launch. I assume they run the same ad in each big city.