Launching The Bank

Fair point well made. Let’s see how it goes anyway. I do think that is how they will start off though. As it’s the most easiest way to do it. Move people from the prepaid card to a basic bank account. Sigh

Congrats on the bank status. :smiley: So looking forward to being able to whip out the hot coral for every purchase rather than just the odd few!

No need to sigh. Chances are they will launch with a basic account and at least one premium account. Just me assuming, mind.

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By “basic bank account”, I mean “a Mondo account without an overdraft”. It was in the context of “Even if you don’t have a good credit score, you should be able to get a normal Mondo account without an overdraft.”

If you pass a credit check, you’ll be able to get an overdraft as well.


I think the term is extensibility. Whilst you can have a basic functioning
account, what you can do with the data etc gives a more accessible value
that a traditional account.

I think we will get along after all! :slight_smile: PS Thanks for the explanation I appreciate it.

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Q: Is there a feature that you are missing at the moment that isn’t
achieved by a work around at the moment?


Q: Perhaps those work around are influencing your banking awareness?

Getting to know your barriers and pains is interesting from a 'product’
point of view.

Just wondering what extra features were you expecting? Just curious

My bug bear was not having an overdraft but it’s all cleared up now so I’m nice. I also thought the basic bank account was all mondo would be offering but thank goodness it’s not so. Oh on another note you’re on the OnePlus forums as well right?

Ah right. Yeah @tom confirmed that they will have an overdraft feature.

And yeah I am :yum:

Yeah I have seen you there! :slight_smile:

Stop by and say hi sometimes :wink:

I’ll do that for sure.

Great news, looking forward to moving totally to Mondo

That’s awesome news! The card is certainly unique. Used mine in an actual store for the first time today and the little old lady running the Spar commented straight away on how she’s never seen a card like that before. It’s definitely a great talking point and buzz generator for mondo!

Will Mondo be allowing offline transactions with the new debit cards? As presently this is a problem with the prepaid cards - you can never be 100% sure they will be accepted

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Moving this conversation here, to make it easier to find & keep everything in one place…

This post outlines the steps involved -

but not the timelines.

It won’t be Q1 next year though -

Too late :see_no_evil:

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Sooner the better please. I along with the 80,000 other Monzo customers are waiting with baited breath!

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Looks like the bank could be launching in 2/3 months time!! :tada:

Screenshot from Monzo’s Crowdcube investment deck.