Investing for dummies

Freetrade, is what I would go for

Bullish on gold at all?

I’m currently in heavy on KEFI, if you have followed GGP I think it’s going to be similar. Currently has Ethiopian conflicts which isn’t helpful but that’s in the north away from the project. If Harry delivers the goods in the next month or so then I’m very bullish for 2021.

If you are interested there’s a Telegram group for GGP and KEFI I can share.

Anyway a lot of Gold has taken a bit hit with the falling price so probably a good time to enter.

I’m actually bullish more on lithium atm. LAC and LTHM and PLL with the TSLA involvement. I also have an AIM fav KOD but that’s a longer play like 5y+ if you have the patience. A Mali coup in Aug didn’t help that one with signoffs but I’m ready for a nice spike to take profits and exit soon, I might keep in a small amount to see where it goes in a year or two.

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Have you ever looked into Altus Strategies? It’s a streamer supposedly making inroads in Mali

I have to say, scanning through this thread, I’m glad I went with Nutmeg.

I dropped 1k in a month and a half ago, I’ve paid £1.10 in fees so far and I’m £52 up from where I started.

I appreciate there are cheaper options out there, but this is fully managed and I don’t have the time in my life to be keeping on top of this stuff. The fee is a small price to pay for the convenience and I’m still up on where I would have been otherwise so I’m happy! :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m up £27 from £300 in Moneybox and in all fairness it involves half the effort and requirement for a strong stomach

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Yeah, another vote for vanguard. Just as easy as any of the roboadvisors with far lower fees.

I moved my fund from wealthsimple to vanguard a few years ago. Very happy with it.

Also have a SIPP with vanguard.

A good place to look for advice is the ukpersonalfinance subreddit. General consensus there is that vanguard is a good starting point.

They have a load of different funds available, the life strategy funds are a good starting point.

Cheers I haven’t but I’ll do some DD on it.

I noticed it’s recently been added to T212.

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This is such an interesting thread! Great to hear the knowledge and opinions from all commenters. It really is helping to make a subject that’s always seemed really daunting to me however much reading up I did seem much less so. :+1:

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Need to cross out that currently. :sweat_smile: pretty big news for Ethiopians. Abiy Ahmed is a decent prime minister that actually gets shit done. Should help the SP restore confidence.

Don’t you think Makelle fell rather quickly? 250,000 opposition won’t have dissipated over night. Rumours of it descending into a guerilla conflict

'The TPLF fighters, drawn mostly from a paramilitary unit and a well-drilled local militia, are thought to number about 250,000. Some analysts fear the situation could turn into a guerrilla conflict - with the TPLF continuing to mount attacks on government forces even if they take Mekelle.

Leader of the TPLF, Debretsion Gebremichael, has said Tigray forces are "ready to die in defence of our right to administer our region’

The easiest, cheapest way to get started is probably with a Vanguard target retirement fund. Work out when you’re likely to hit 68, pick the target retirement fund that matches that and start putting whatever you can spare in each month by direct debit. It’ll start out mostly in shares (volatile), before increasing the proportion of bonds (less volatile) as you near retirement.

Once you have that underway, you can always add or switch to other funds on that platform.


These days I’m not optimistic about hitting retirement, the way the world is going and with my stress levels. If I do, I’ll have my private pension and maybe a state one if I’m lucky, but I’m not pouring more money into that lottery, I’d rather play Euromillions

Well he gave them a forceful 72hrs surrender or we’ll kill the lot of you statement before.

Whilst there might be local disruption, I’m hoping it’s put a stop on it.

The fighting with Eritrea isn’t new though it’s been going on for many decades.

He has got a good record with the Eritrea president and that peace prize which I think was earned fairly.

I’m just :crossed_fingers: not just for the SP but for all the people living there. It can’t be nice living in a civil war where villages are being macheted to death.

:point_up_2: shareholders private chat if anyone is invested or interested.

Dear @ndrw I highly recommend any beginner start with Investopedia. They have a lot of free (and to a certain degree unbiased) information. Be careful with trying to learn the basics from a brokers website. To a certain degree they just want to attract you to their service not necessarily help you develop your skills.


Haha, the target retirement fund isn’t a pension, it’s just a regular fund that rebalances for you as you approach a certain date. You can take the money out whenever you need to. The Lifestrategy funds are a good alternative.

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Well, I took the plunge and invested this month’s savings in an 80% equity blended fund. I also set up a recurring payment for the next few months at least, then I guess I’ll see how it goes.

The one bit I am not so sure about is there is a ‘Cash’ option on my dashboard. It says

You have no cash. You may want to add some to cover upcoming charges.

Should I add £10 or so there to cover fees? What happens if I leave it at £0? Wouldn’t my fees be covered by part of what’s invested and/or by the recurring payment?

As for T212 and Freetrade, I already have a Freetrade account so I am missing out on the free share there, sadly. And T212 looks too much like a dodgy bookie’s app to me to trust it. I might buy some shares when there’s a big dip in the market, otherwise I’ll leave it to the experts for the time being.

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You might like the pink and wiggly charts but dont go for pretty over function. Freetrade might be aesthetically better looking to you but having used both for the past year Freetrade is like a Fisher Price toy compared to an iPhone. :rofl: give both a decent go.

You can hold cash on the side, should you wish to pick up some extra shares when they’re cheap, but fees I tend to pay by direct debit.

If there is no cash on your account and no direct debit in place they will sell some of your holdings to cover the fees, so it’s best to get the direct debit setup from the beginning. The fees are usually taken quarterly and should be a matter of pennies until you have a few grand’s worth of shares.

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Lookup Ray Dalio’s approach to long term investing. In summary:

  • Save 3-6 months worth of expenses (emergency fund) - to avoid having to pull your investments out the market when the market is low cause you need cash.

  • Start by investing in ETFs. I buy a few hundred quid of SP500 every month on Freetrade. Quick way of diversifying across 500 biggest USA companies.

  • Later down the line if you wanna start picking individual stocks, start with bedrocks (large caps) - google, Apple, amazon etc.

  • further down the line you can think about adding higher risk stocks that could bring a higher reward. But they shouldn’t make up most of your portfolio.

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