Interest Free Overdraft Facility for University Students

I know I have mentioned this before however, I am starting this new thread as I really want the community to help get the attention of Monzo in discussing this possibility. I have been asking around my University and others and the one thing that I keep hearing is “I would love to go Full Monzo, but I rely on my interest free overdraft at my traditional bank”. It’s really something I think Monzo should take seriously to gain a competitive advantage over other Fintech banks and I personally would benefit highly from having this available to myself. I rely on my overdraft to make unexpected payments before pay - day and knowing that I will be charged for this by Monzo everyday makes me not want to use the facility. However having the interest freeoverdraft facility for students such as myself takes that added stress away.

If you also feel, like me that this would be a useful and you are also a student at University, please show your interest in this thread!

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19 posts were merged into an existing topic: Student Overdraft Facility - No Charge