Initiative Q - Thoughts & Referrals

No problem… i’m waiting for @Dannytc to verify me :wink:


Done :slight_smile:

I did straight away yesterday, noticed you need to refresh the page a couple of time to get it pick it up, kept telling me @nickh still needed to verify me ha.

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Thanks Leon. I have signed up using your link :slight_smile:

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Thought I would join the train and add my referral link, nothing to lose anyway :smile:

Initiative Q is building a new payment network and giving away significant sums of their future currency to early adopters. It’s by invite only and I have a limited number of invites. My personal invite link:

Done :smiley:

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Thanks mate :grinning:

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All aboard the train! Full steam ahead :smiley:

Just signed up through your link as the first was no longer working. Here is mine if anyone needs one.

Can’t wait to be 100k richer

Please could you verify my registration. Thanks :slight_smile:

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There’s no such thing as a free lunch and these people have nothing at all so far beyond very vague ideas and potentially a lot of contact details to spam / sell / market to

The chain of sign ups here reminds me a bit of those superstitious Facebook chains :man_facepalming:

Maybe it’s because I’ve already been through the crazy surge of online pyramid schemes that sprang up in the dot com boom when I was a teenager but I’m really not tempted to sign up to this even just in exchange for my details


It looks more like just another blockchain they are planning to start, lots of them starting up daily, its surprising how many actually do quite well at the start until everyone sells off within a week of launch ha

That’s fair - Given the sheer lack of information, or tangible product, I don’t think anyone expects anything (sign ups, or anything further).

The option is there for people if they want it, but I don’t think this thread spiral into a negative place.

If and when more information becomes available, people can add it here.


No crypto has found mainstream use as a practical everyday currency though, which is what Q is supposed to be. They instead have ended up being a speculative asset people can gamble with - e.g. I made a 2.6% gain out of BTC fluctuation in the last few days

There is also nothing on the Q site that implies it’s going to be blockchain based technology like existing coins. All they’ve got is a waiting list so far

Edit: I personally don’t think having a productive sceptical discussion of the Q Initiative in this thread is really off topic. Totally open to being convinced otherwise though :slightly_smiling_face:


Seems like a new payment processor. One of those give it a go and see what happens.

Anyone know anything more about it?!?

Sign up using my link

Initiative Q is building a new payment network and giving away significant sums of their future currency to early adopters. It’s by invite only and I have a limited number of invites. My personal invite link:

Hey @saul_gaunt - I think you missed this thread! lol

Oh lord. This is probably making the rounds on Facebook.

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Smells ++fishy to me!!! Thanks for heads up on other thread!!

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