Freetrade Investment


Itā€™ll actually be great PR for CrowdCube, itā€™ll get their name out in the news, etcā€¦ unfortunately people donā€™t expect websites to scale properly when hit by peak demand.

It is a bit ridiculous that after all this time CrowdCube havenā€™t built a proper scaling solution though.


Just got an email from CC saying that the investment was successful and everything will be reconfirmed when the round closes - apologised for the poor form and that the freetrade round will be back open soon :man_shrugging:t2:

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Hold on a secondā€¦ didnā€™t they have similar issue during Monzoā€™s second round? I remember Crowdcubeā€™s website crashed as well.


Yes and it appears this had an even greater demand :scream:


I was able to get in quite early and was ok but after about 5 mins the site was unusable.

I was able to gain access and pledge fairly quickly through the CC app. I imagine there will be some late nights for CC folk tonight!

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I was thinking about investing and picking up Freetrade, but it all happened so fast and I didnā€™t even have time to receive the financial documents let alone read them!

If it opens up again and I still canā€™t get access to their documents then so be it. Iā€™m not going to rush or pledge just for the fear of missing out, Iā€™m happy to move a bit slower and be the one in control.

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Itā€™s only a pledge, which you can cancel if you arenā€™t happy after reading the documents

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It looks like CC have started re-instating the investments which they had cancelled, my original investment amount is back.

Freetrade are closing this investment round, they are opening a new round in June.

Good idea as it gives access to more EIS and hopefully a stable crowdcube environment - at least by June they should have two hamsters on wheels instead of just the one (poor little thing).


Iā€™m still amazed to this day how lapse Crowdcube are in nearly every department.


How many ended up investing?

(From this forum)




