Formula 1

You couldn’t sound more biased if you tried! Toto was on the blower telling Masi not to make it a safety car during VC! And if you think the FIA have favoured Red Bull this season you need your head examined!

I’m not biased, not even a Mercedes fan, but the rules of the sport should be followed regardless of the situation, Masi has done a terrible job in this subject all season, I think both sides have been wronged, I don’t blame Max for the win, he did what he had to do. The issues is rules should be followed, simple as that, rewriting them on the fly is not on


I don’t think that was right either, but I also don’t think it actually influenced Masi anyway as the car was safely cleared shortly after.

I agree with this from earlier:

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This just sounds like sour grapes from a Lewis fan I’m afraid.

You’re not able to look at it objectively.

I don’t dislike Lewis at all, I just think he got unlucky. He rolled the dice by staying out. They rolled the dice and pitted. That’s all this really boils down to.

And because of Masi’s mismanagement everyone now disputes it or says it’s a fix.

Thinking the rules should be followed makes me a disgruntled Lewis fan? Ok then

Try a passionate fan of the sport who doesn’t want to see a season ended in a :poop:show like it has.

I have looked at it objectively and I think the rules should have been followed and there’s no reason that they shouldn’t have been. Masi needs to go.

Todays ending shouldn’t have happened full stop.


Just an observation…
I’ve watched the Latifi crash and have a question.
Looking at the position of the car and the fact there are 2 escape routes right next to it, why did it take 4 laps to remove the stricken car?
Yes, I know it’s a road circuit, but that is abysmal.

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Agree with this. Had it been the other way around Verstappen/Hamilton, I would’ve been saying the same thing.

Rather than applying the rules consistent with how they’ve always been applied, Masi engineered a dramatic finish. It’s the engineering I object to, and I’d be just as disappointed if Hamilton had beaten Verstappen through an engineered finish. Regardless was was in front, the advantage was gained fairly and squarely - Masi took the advantage away unfairly.

I guess this is where we disagree. I think the rules were followed. Whether they let the additional lapped cars through rather than just the five is ultimately irrelevant.

But looks like we disagree - and sorry for calling you a disgruntled Lewis fan, clearly I got that wrong.

They needed the field to close up behind the safety car to give the marshals a safe gap to work in.

The car was on fire, they had to put the fire out.

The debris needed to be cleared away.

I’m astonished they managed to clear the car away so quickly, TBH.


No worries, It’s fine disagreements are all part of it, I think I’d be more open to the other side if I could think of instances where this has been done before but I just can’t think of any, I’m not saying it hasn’t happened before, but I can’t think of a single race.

Either way, I think everybody can agree the stewarding has been bad all season

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Maybe I’m looking at things through rose tinted glasses in the old days of F1.
Crashes at Monte Carlo could be cleared in minutes… but that was before the health and safety police controlled everything.


We found our common ground! :slightly_smiling_face:


Can I make a suggestion…
Can we please have the V10’s back? Pretty please :pray: :pray: :pray:

Oh how I miss that noise :slightly_smiling_face:

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Wouldn’t that be great!

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Monaco’s a little different. The nature of the circuit means that they have cranes everywhere ready to lift cars out of the way at short notice whereas today they needed to wait for the SC to bunch the pack and bring a tractor in, something they take extra care with since Jules died.


Yeah, bring back the good old days when a driver died crashing into a recovery vehicle.
There’s no fun unless families can watch people they love dying on tv


Also, say what you like about the health and safety police, but they saved Romain’s life with the halo and countless other drivers’ lives over the years whilst keeping the fun and spirit of the competition alive.


I’d forgotten about that. How he got out of that alive is still amazing


Saved Lewis’s life this year when Verstappen tried to park on top of him.