Considering that student loans don’t contribute to your credit report and get automatically written off after 30 years, I doubt that they can be traded in the same way.
Eventually when Monzo shows all of your accounts in one place, how about a card like Curve that allows you to choose (in app), which card to use?
Alternatively, the same functionality (Monzo only) via a shared pot, joint account, any other pot or main account would be cool!
Out there one: Monzo build-to-rent apartments. They design, build and operate large-scale apartment buildings in big cities around the UK. Monzo co-living spaces
Monzo could offer fair tenancies with transparent pricing, high quality service, great design and an awesome community atmosphere. All funded by customer deposits
As more and more of these professional, large scale landlords come into the market you’d expect them to start competing on brand, quality of service and community. Monzo are perfectly placed to capitalise on all of that, especially with the millennial ‘renter’ generation.
Would it be possible to implement OKRs
strategy inside Monzo I see OKRs
inside Monzo something in the idea of:
- Objective –
Purchase a new car/gadget/furniture
orRepay credit card
orSave for dream holiday
- Key Result – Reduce monthly
junk food
spending by 25% - Key Result – Save 50% of my target amount in 4 months.
I would be interesting to see what everyone thinks
A refinement to my post above:
Put an address in an RFID chip (
Tinker with an izettle or other POS system so the NFC transmits this address to where you usually input you email address for e-receipts [perhaps on a different frequency to the transaction]
Put this chip in a sticker, put the sticker on your card (for the trial)
Write a cheeky bit of code to strip the e-receipt of all the promotional BS and only display items in a nice clean list
Display this list in the ‘receipts’ section of monzo (with a little voodoo i’m sure the transaction ID can be matched with the receipt transmission)
Contactless Itemised Receipts!
You can now start deciding if you needed all 100 of those things you got from the mega store (current displayed as groceries, but actually included several regrettable bargain bin DVDs)
Monzo Pay Stickers
Sell customers little stickers with the RFID tech in them which you can stick on clothing, a bag, or even your hand at a festival and use to pay via comtactless payment. Would need to be easy to freeze/unfreeze like the card so if you lose them it is no big deal.
Yes this would be awesome. They already do wristbands you can pay with at festivals. Reverse use case, merchant uses a sticker and you tap from your phone to pay, like when you send money to friends. Removes the need for merchant to be reliant on card services machine or connection working correctly (the one at our local pub has had issues 3 out of the last 4 times I visited, the first time I popped round the corner to get some cash, the other times I just asked them to roll it onto a tab until the machine was up and running again).
+1 for loyalty intergration Necter, Avios, Boots, Shell, Tesco club etc
Sure Monzo could monetise it aswel
I.e Link Shell buy petrol with Monzo earn points to Shell loyalty account Monzo earn small percentage for directing custom
A consolidated loyalty card is begging to be done no one wants a key chain full of plastic fobs that they forget to use all the time
I’m not sure why Shell would pay Monzo if someone with a Shell loyalty card fills up at Shell, but I agree with the statement that something needs to be done.
I’m getting to the stage where I’m going to need a separate key ring for loyalty cards (which will inevitably be left at home).
Would be great, but as it would require retailer cooperation I suspect an company independent of an individual bank would be better placed to deliver (e.g. Flux).
Just spoke to Flux and Monzo at a careers fair today, this is being launched (Flux integrated in Monzo) in the coming months.
Emergency pot
Analyses your spending and suggests how much you should aim to have in emergency funds such as a month or 3 worth of bills
Or a sliding target to cover 3 months of your essential/desired/frivolous needs/wants should you come out of work
I dont think this is even particularly ‘out there’
I think this idea has loads of potential.
Monzo business customers accept payments using a version of Nearby Friends for real world transactions or a Monzo-to-Monzo version only version of for online transactions** and then Monzo handle the payment processing themselves.
Monzo give businesses back some of the interchange fee as an incentive to use offer that method of payment. This would also encourage businesses to get a Monzo business account.
Monzo then takes a small slice of what’s left of the interchange fee and passes the rest onto Monzo customers as cashback. This would encourage more people to get a Monzo personal account.
A “Pay using Monzo to get X% off” message at an online checkout or in a store would be great advertising for Monzo.
** Think “Pay using Monzo” to get X% off when you go to check out. You click “Pay by Monzo” and it opens your Monzo app and asks for fingerprint/PIN to confirm the payment. If you’re using a desktop, you could input your sortcode and account number and then the request would get sent to your app for confirmation.