Discussion: Quality Assurance within Monzo

I would like to say that I feel like they’re starting to drop the ball as far as the app is concerned.

On the design side, I feel like they’re starting to outgrow the original design made during the prepaid beta days and are running out of room to put new features in, resulting in a bit of a mess. Not to mention, I still can’t get over the awful Android-style transaction detail view on iOS. WTF seriously? You used to set the bar on what a banking app should look like, what happened now?

On the technical side, the iOS app is getting slower and slower. Network requests are made upon opening each tab and seem to run on the main thread, as I feel quite a lot of lag when switching tabs (just try spam-click the bottom tabs on Monzo and compare to another app like the Phone app). Now this was fine back in the prepaid days when there was (presumably) one or two endpoints to request, but now with the current account and everything, this approach no longer works and the resulting experience is quite sad.

Maybe it’s time for a v2.0 with a design that treats current account features as first-class citizens instead of tacking them on here and there with duct tape, and a rewrite of the internal API service to actually use some caching and no longer load everything on the main thread (instead display a loading spinner if no previous data is available).

Sorry to be harsh, but I love :mondo: and I would like the “polish” of the prepaid days back. :wink: