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Use your door key, the round part of it fits in perfectly, and then just remember to get it out the trolley after. No need for £1, or a trolley coin.

All my local supermarkets have cut the chains on the trolleys now (or some local hero did) so no more trolley pounds needed :smiley:

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To be fair so have mine, obviously covid related.


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @monzobot display help.

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I found a pound at the back of a drawer the other day and put it in my cardholder. That’s as far as my cash usage goes now.

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A fiver or so.

If you asked me over a year ago I’ll say around a grand.

If you’re questioning why a grand?
Well it’s simple: I was a stupid little boy who paid only by cash and thought having a large amount will get me a date if it’s seen as I was young at the time

Nice to see cash in last place here, even if part of the reason is less places currently accepting it.

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This is one of the reasons cited by Asda as to why it’s looking at its workforce and losing jobs, granted they’ll be other probability reasons too.

The amount of cash they take is dwindling so they don’t need these extra office staff counting takings and the other associated tasks.

I’m calling :horse: :poop:. How many staff can they have just counting cash as a percentage of their thousands of staff? It’ll be limited as it’s a high risk activity which they’re not just gonna be handing off to the stock room boys.

Surely it’d be offset by having more pickers and drivers for online delivery plus click and collect.

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Unless he means those self service machines. All the ones in my local supermarkets have switched to card only.

Before that they used to accept cash too.

I remember finding left money in them all the time. Especially cashback. Then on the other side it was really hard to get the machines to accept your crumpled notes :sweat_smile:

It doesn’t take long at all to sort the cash out. If its quiet before close you get most of the tills done before close, and then takes 1 minute to count any remaining tills after close. At most takes 15 minutes after close to sort cash out.

You’re much more likely to be staying late to sort out a delivery that’s late than you are working with cash.


They’re also good for getting rid of Scottish/Northern Irish banknotes in England if you don’t want to run the risk of a human cashier turning their nose up at them.



As a shopper who has frequently been shopping just before closing time in the past, I have experienced a restricted choice of tills (including most self service being out of action) while the cashing up is taking place just before closing.

I would imagine the final one or two are then trivial to sort after the shop shuts, judging by the speed well-practiced shop staff seem to cash-up at!

This seems like a big excuse which is convenient and might “ring true”, but probably isn’t.

Where I used to work self service never got turned off. They’re pretty good at keeping a balance but occasionally they’ll get full of £20s and need emptying, but this isn’t more than once a week and takes a minute to do.

And cashing up a till takes no time whatsoever, it’s all automated anyway. The only part that isn’t automated is carrying them into the back office.

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How did you go from being a stupid little boy to not being one in just a year? Think it took me about 30 years. :grin:


When Morrison’s changed how their cash offices work it resulted in the loss of hundreds of jobs:


That sounds about right. My point was more that there would be limited job losses relatively speaking and that new jobs should offset them.

I think they have been changed to card only as the cash acceptance systems within them failed, all but 2 at my local morrisons are card only, with COVID insisting on cash going in self service checkouts sounds like a good idea.

I don’t use cash so I don’t care.

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Stopped using cash if I do it’s only when I’m on a night out or if I’m lucky enough to get a date then I’ll take some just incase