Direct Debits & Standing Orders (recurring payments) Feedback

It’s all happening…





Really liking the preview for retrying direct debits :heart_eyes:


Probably already somewhere up there :point_up_2: but…

Would be a good idea do have :monzo: push a notification :postal_horn:if it knows that their is a DD and that you might insufficient funds. :chart_with_downwards_trend:

E.g. my Council Tax​:money_with_wings: is always the same amount per month. The day before the CT DD was due I forgot to top up and the DD failed. On that occasion the day before :monzo: coule push a notification saying ‘A Direct Debit is usually taken on that date for the amount of XX. You might have insufficient funds.’

It already does this :raised_hands: , well it has for me previously anyway…


Hmm :thinking:
It didn’t to that for me… worth investing?

Not sure what the cut off time is for it. If you spend at 8pm and leave yourself without the money to cover the DD it’s too late. If you go into the day before (or Friday if it’s going to be taken on Monday) with insufficient money you get a notification

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Was it the first time for this direct debit via monzo ?


Answering your question @Dannytc it would have been the 3rd direct debit. Maybe it didn’t work because the 1st & 2nd DD were for different amounts (by £3ish) but it is/was marked as a ‘Repeating payment’. :face_with_monocle:

It is a shame that there is a cut off time @Rat_au_van . Maybe :monzo: could get rid of such a cut off, I don’t see a reason why there would need to be a time for one. Anyways I was under the amount needed for the DD for a few days prior to the unsuccessful DD.

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Direct Debit retry is now here!


I like the idea of a DD Pot. That would be amazing. Can we really do this?

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Any news on the retry feature for direct debits?

I just had a direct debit fail after the second attempt due to a legacy bank taking all day to transfer a regular amount to a Monzo (it’s like they knew). Money left legacy bank in the morning and hit Monzo after second attempt. Ability to retry manually here before the end of the day would have been nice.

It’s been live for a while :slight_smile:


As @16bitkieran said, this has been live for several months now.

I believe retry option is only available to use manually in between the first and second attempt made by Monzo. Yes, it would be nice to have it outside of the 2nd attempt window but Direct Debits are designed in a way that after 2nd failed/successful attempt, banks must close the loop. Subsequent attempts can be triggered by making a fresh deman (by the originator company). I hope the following flowchart can explain it better:


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I’m not sure this is correct. I believe Monzo has to answer within a day as to whether the payment is approved or rejected. BACS doesn’t know nor care how many times it took Monzo to “retry” the payment on their end. All they care is to get an OK or decline by the end of the day.

It’s usually same day around 6:30pm via the ARUDD file which is sent to BACS

However I don’t believe it has to be same day as the file does have an original processing date

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I have twice fallen foul of direct debits failing from my Joint Accout because we’ve not put enough money in there.

It would be great if the first fail message said “add more money now as we’ll try again at 2pm”. I forget the second attempt is same day at 2pm.

Minor messaging change but would help me avoid fines…


Hi guys,

After a bit of discussion with your support team I’m wondering if there are plans to update how alerting works for direct debits? At present my understanding is this:

Direct Debits appear in your feed as “upcoming” the business day before they’re due.
If any single Direct Debit exceeds your balance at the time of checking we notify you. If you reduce your account balance on the business day before the Direct Debit is due you won’t receive a notification.
If a combined sum of upcoming direct debits exceeds your balance, we won’t notify you. We only check balance vs the amounts of each single upcoming Direct Debit.

I think both of the below two points made by the specialists are really important. It would be amazing if the sum of the direct debits against your balance, alerted when your balance went below that of the sum of the direct debits. It would help going into your overdraft or anything bouncing!


Thanks for the feedback! I’ll pass it on but you I’m not sure if you’re aware that if a DD does “bounce”, it will do so around 3am and you then have until 2pm to put enough money in your account to cover the payment :+1: We will notify you if the Direct Debit “bounces” on the first automated attempt :raised_hands: