Curve chat

Curve just messaged to say the processing issues are fixed

A quick tip for using curve abroad - if you have a card that has lower fees than curve but you still want to use your curve, you can set the currency for that card to the currency of the country you are in. I have done it for my tandem card so i get the zero fees and 0.5% cashback but still get curve’s instant notification and classification of spending.

sign up for curve here:


Did they change the referral links? That one looks shady af. :joy:

Yes, the links normally look like:

Plus they also have some reference like 5KDHQ

Still shady (and over HTTP). What was wrong with<code>?


The links are the ones provided in the Curve app…where the other ones come from :woman_shrugging:t2:

it’s in the latest curve app, they made it easier as you don’t need the reference now - the full message shows:

I’m using @imaginecurve! All my cards in one + a great way to save & manage money. Sign up here

It’s not in my Android app so guess you are on iOS?

I don’t think it’s in mine either. (Android)

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Just checked and the latest iOS app indeed seems to generate a very shady-looking link. It’s even worse than Monzo using

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Yep, iOS

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Curve also posted about the GPS outage. I was impressed that they will take on liability to avoid card declines when they can’t communicate with the back end cards.

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It’s funny how every single company out there has plans to move off GPS… except a certain bank. :wink:


On a slightly related point, I was wondered if Monzo should start to sell their card processing service to third parties who use GPS (would bring in some extra money ha)


I thought the same!

You do know that secretly Starling have been sabotaging GPS’s systems so that everyone leaves them.

Then when it’s just Starling left, they’ll have a service with far less activity, and they won’t have had to pay a penny to develop their own!

Genius! lol


I think I recall Starling at some point posting that GPS have issues because a particular consumer of the GPS API isn’t servicing its sessions / transactions quickly. So that’s pretty concerning about GPS

  1. A user of the API can cause a denial of service to other users
  2. That architecturally is really not great - it speaks to a pretty bad API design

Did anyone else get this email about curve paying for drinks during the England match? It implies that everyone will get their drinks paid for doesn’t it? But the terms and conditions (not on the email, only linked) say they’ll pick 100 ppl to pay back


That’s sneaky, I too read it as anyone who posts their pic with the hashtag


yep. they later fessed up to it being 100 then increased it to 150. Interestingly the rules were it had to be a picture of you and your companions enjoying the drinks and some of the early posts only consisted of the drinks, so interesting how they interpreted this in awarding the payoff. Wouldn’t want to be their Business & Legal Affairs chap those type of “carbolic smoke ball” contracts can come back to bite you - speaks the voice of experience!


Yeah that email is super dodgy in my opinion.

They’re supposed to share the Ts and Cs that affect the promotion in the same page as the actual promo itself. They also can’t use the Ts and Cs to contradict what the offer is!

I think if the Advertising Standards Agency got wind of it they wouldn’t do too well :confused:

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