Curve chat

My card has Debit on it :slight_smile:

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ditto, and the hologram on the back is a debit not prepaid one

Likewise. My card was replaced fairly recently. Still has Curve beta on the front which is slightly weird.

I had a replacement card arrive last week. It’s a Debit Card :nerd_face:



Is it a mandatory card change? One would think if they’ve moved from issuing prepaid cards to debit, then it would be. I’ve not heard anything though.

they told me they are phasing it in gradually

I like the Curve card but i don’t seem to be able to use it on skybet or B365 or the likes. I assume it blocks ‘cash’ transactions as I also cant top-up my monzo or starling card from the curve card linked with my credit card.

Curve blocks gambling. That is well documented.

Cash (as in ATMs) isn’t a problem though.

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It’s because Gambling use is not allowed by default but you can request to get this enabled;



I hadn’t looked into the gambling thing, its not an issue I will just use a different card that was already linked to my account anyway. I hadn’t read the terms in any great detail and just assumed that was the case once i tried to use it and was told it couldn’t be registered to the account.

Going to look into this. Anyone have a referral code. I see plenty on Google Play but figured it might help a fellow Monzo user…

RC6KM is mine, not sure how you use it though (I’m guessing there’s a field when you register).

We both get £5 in curve rewards if you use it though, so :+1:

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Well I’ve signed up and used the code. I’m currently in a long waiting que but figure we should benefit from that shortly. :fire:

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Yeah, I see you in my app already (as pending). It only gives your first name and last initial though, so that’s good.

You have to make a transaction before the promo credit is actually issued, so hopefully you get through that queue quickly :slight_smile:



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I think there are two ways of signing up.

One is clicking some special shortcut which maybe sets a cookie when you are signing up, the more common way is to have a reference which you fill in when signing up (or can probably email to customer services if you have trouble using it during sign up). The code is a mix of letters and numbers and normally 5 characters long, e.g. 5KDHQ if a reference from a Curve customer, though other codes may come from Curve direct (for example, when they have certain special offers such as a free wallet)

You will find their website is not at Curve dot something but at Getcurve … here is a link below


Curve is really messing up card providers with this.
Two (new) scenarios, for example:

  1. You need to pay tax to HMRC.
    Pre-Curve: you either paid a charge for credit card (now not possible for non-businesses anyway) or paid for free via debit card.
    Now: you can charge your tax via Curve as a purchase to a credit card for no charge to you.

  2. You wanted to add money to your Monzo account with a card.
    Pre-Curve: you could only use a debit card, so this came straight out of the linked account.
    Now: you can charge it as a purchase to a credit card, so effectively taking cash from your credit card for no charge (to you - not Monzo).

Why aren’t Curve getting hammered by card providers/processors, possibly even regulators etc.?


I guess that the amounts are tiny in the great scheme of things.

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I don’t see why regulators or card networks should care, especially given that anyone could do this on their own by opening a merchant account and charging their credit card through that.

This is definitely messing up the legacy model of credit card providers charging differently for “cash” transactions but that is a broken model to begin with so I’m glad to see it (finally) being challenged.


Who offers merchant accounts to individuals?

Well, there is a reason for this, you know? cash recycling or whatever they call it, could do real damage to credit card providers’ business model…

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