COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

I can see it taking a similar path as the annual flu jab.
They’ll be announced, there’ll be a little bit of advertising, and that’ll be about it.
I very much doubt there’ll be any sort of situation which necessitates having a booster.

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Well they say that the rhythm will finally get you. In this case it’s the covid:

Funny thing is I tested this morning and was negative. Became really rotten pretty fast over the day and tested positive when I got home from work.

Yes - with Omicron you’re usually symptomatic before you test positive. Sorry that you’ve succumbed.

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The exact same happened to my partner today. Hoping I’m not next!

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Eee hope you feel better soon.

Loads are catching it at the minute.

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Oh No. Hope you are OK

Had it again the week before last. Genuinely thought it was ‘man-flu’ after an intense work-week. Tested and :boom: - 2 lines. Hid away & WFH until tested negative for 2 days straight.

It’s not going away, but being vaxxed sedates it.

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Hope your feeling better soon

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Off to Glasto on Thursday - I wonder what my statistical changes of getting it again are

100% :joy:


Tested positive this morning, after holidays. Feeling grand just feeling cold then hot, rest of family negative for now. Few extra days off work now

Few of friends and family are suffering with covid at the moment.

Hope they all ok soon. Seems to be on rise again

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Why I still mask, and wish others did too, in one handy graph:

(Also: ventilation, ventilation, ventilation; and HEPA air filtering.)


This is another excellent thread by her highlighting that Covid (especially the most recent variants) is not “just a cold”, even if it feels like that for some people.

“Covid is a nasty piece of work that increases your risk of heart attacks, strokes and clots up to 12 months after infection.”


‘Stop cowering, it’s over’ crowd incoming in 3… 2… 1…


I had no choice but to visit Tesco today so went at 6:30 this morning, thinking it would be quiet. There weren’t many customers but it was buzzing with shelf-stackers and not a mask in sight (apart from mine). I also got tutted and eye-rolled at by a guy entering the store when I was leaving.

I feel sorry for people who react like that - the pandemic has affected them to the extent that they can’t do with any reminders of it, anywhere.


The ‘public health measures’ in this graph are a lockdown to be clear, not just masks. Indoor gatherings banned and schools closed.

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*working remotely.

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I meant the buildings, but good to clarify I suppose

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