Contactless acceptance

Popularity of contactless payments

• The Czech Republic leads Europe in terms of uptake of contactless payments, with usage of more than 85%.

• Slovakia and Poland are in second and third place respectively, with usage in excess of 66%.

• UK penetration currently stands at more than 42%.

Source: Visa. All figures for April 2017


Isn’t contactless so much easier! I do find quite a few places still don’t do it. My Monzo card has failed with contactless but chat fixed that.
If we could leave cash behind I would be a very happy man.


I’m shocked that the UK is only 42%
But I guess this is some of the big stores? I know a few of them refused to move over.

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It’s coming! And the sooner the better.

No, it’s not really that. It’s the Daily Mail generation believing that Contactless is bad and dangerous and contactless == your money will get stolen. Source: worked in retail

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