Collected thoughts on card design

I’m surprised at all of you liking the Global Money card. I think it’s a terrible design. A stock photo of the globe covering the whole card with the logo over it.


Oh I like it too, much better than the regular HSBC card.

But then I loved their horizontal lion designs :heart:


Long time lurker :pleading_face:

Current phone wallet. As way of introduction? :wave:

I’m sure there was a post about plastic wallets? Muji? I’ve found a stash of cards I’d love to share.


That’s a pleasing collection.

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Ohh, two Golds? And the Basic?

Is one of the Golds a non-UK version? And what do you use the Basic for?

Only just noticed but does anyone else’s Child&Co card have their surname twice lol?
it the bottom left corner it says

Title - First Name - Last Name
Last Name

on the physical card or the digital wallet?

Physical lol

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Just checked, mine definitely doesn’t lol.

Guess mine is special then :rofl:

oh no, that’s strange.

I don’t have anything below my full name, that space is empty.

should this not be where the word ‘premier’ should be, not a repeat of your surname

Check your RBS account, maybe your surname is on there twice?

It’s so bizarre. Doesn’t show that on the digital (Probs because it won’t get rendered by apple). And yeah it should say premier lol, it only showed once I ordered a new one from premier upgrade. So maybe it’s a miss print and should say Premier but instead I’m my own packaged account.

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Nope, only shows my name once aha

Just looked at my old one from 2022 and that’s different too but no double name.

Old: Mr John C Smith
New: Mr John Smith

No middle name initial.

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Unfortunately nothing as exciting, I would love a metal gold card. One is mine and one is mine as AU on someone else’s account.

When went from Green to Gold, I still wanted a charge card so got the basic :flushed:

Now Gold has gone up again in fees, I think I’ll downgrade to that lovely looking new rewards card.


Nope! You’re special.

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Lets gooo! Unique!

Yeah, very bizarre. Never seen a bank repeat a name on a debit card, especially how semi permanent it is.

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