Children’s Account

Hi, Firstly congratulations on a really good service and bank.
Have you guys thought about allowing parents to open up a sub account for their children. At present my children have a Halifax child account and part of that is they have a ATM card which is really useful for them when they go out or shopping . Both children are under 15.
However Halifax are changing the accounts now and withdrawing the atm cards from this scheme.
Surely as a society now with online payments, and the modern world we operate in we should be educating our children into the financial world and exposing them to this tech by using these cards responsibly.
Maybe an opportunity for a Monzo to look at a young saver account with card and put an education package together?
I certainly would be interested and as far as Iknow you would be a market leader in this type of education
What do you think?

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This has come up a few time - couple of threads for you to see what was discussed priviouly;

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Under 18’s