Chase Bank UK chat

Well that rules out one of my questions, however, Santander get 1% cashback on the direct debit for council tax so I’m no worse off I guess. (Minus fee but overall £3.60 ish a month cashback after fee

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Yeah I wasn’t expecting larger things to have cashback. So far though over the two days I’ve made £1.78 in cashback which is arguably more than I had two days ago, and that’s not even a week into this venture.


As I posted on another forum:

On the subject of merchant data:

Right, here’s a bit of a test. Let’s see if Chase can do any better than Starling or Monzo. I’ve just submitted (via the in app chat) a merchant data correction. The merchant address was correct, but the name was “Select Fashion” - it should be “Select Supermarket”, and the logo was wrong.

I was told:

Thank you for providing this feedback, I am definitely going to pass this information to the relevant team. I cannot guarantee that the change will happen straight away but hopefully it will be changed for future transactions.

Six hours later:

Right, are you listening Starling? Are you listening Monzo?

I’ve just had a call from a very nice man at Chase. They will be correcting the merchant data as per my feedback. It will take effect from Monday. He said it wouldn’t be retrospective, but I can forgive them that, given how promptly they have responded. Full marks to them!


I like their style. No razzmatazz - just quietly getting on with the job.


If anyone wants to see how an overseas transaction looks:


So you’ve set up a Holiday account and paid from there?

So, the idea of the numberless card is a clever one, not least as it seems the card details in the app are decoupled from the card details hard coded on the physical card, such that the card number can be changed without needing a card replacement if the numbers are compromised online. However, this will presumably have the potential to cause issues in real world use where the physical card is used to validate the identity of a person from an online transaction? First example that springs to mind is collecting advance purchase train tickets…


Surely you can show them this both in the app and/or last 4 digits in the Apple wallet along with an explanation of why it’s different.


Once I get my card I can put it through the pdq at work and see what the card number is and see if it matches with what’s in the app as the merchant slip shows the full card number


Yeah, I tend to go away quite a bit so having an isolated account with an amount I know I can spend works. Just put in my max and set it to spend and I can’t spend more than I set out to.

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In theory, yes, certainly at larger train stations. Although if I’m collecting a train ticket from an unstaffed station, I’m still going to have an issue.


Any way of getting the expiry date and CVV for the physical card as well? Then you could use it for the online purchases that you know will require the same card in physical form for validation (such as train ticket collections) …Although maybe Chase have blocked non in-person transactions on the physical card, if that’s possible, since they expect you to use the in app card details :thinking:

Not if you’re using a self service train ticket machine. My local station’s ticket office is basically never open, so the machine on the platform is a godsend.

As far as I can see the card details in the chase app are the same that are tied to your physical card.

I thought the entire point was that they were different? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I’ve just asked CS on the chat (they are impressively fast) who have confirmed the number on the physical card is different from the app…


I am starting to think that the chase card never changes number, it just doesnt have them printed on it?
It will be interesting to see what happens when it expires/frauded? If the physical needs to get replaced because it was skimmed for example unless it doesnt have a magnetic strip?

so that would imply there is no way to get the real cards number?

I would love to know the technical side of this, if its behind the scenes basically like 2 cards on a current account, I had that happen with my legacy RBS account when my card expired, they created 2 new cards linked to my account and both worked until I got one removed.
The just behind the scenes redirect the money from x account/pot if its the one selected for the physical card number.

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This was the impression I was under. A card number is hardcoded into a physical card, right? So it can’t just be regenerated remotely in an app?

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I thought it was with magnetic strips but in these new age ways I was not sure what could be done with the chips now, aka tokenisation.

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I wonder how many people would look to leave Chase after a year, as the 1% cashback lasts for a year when you activate it. Hope they look at extending this or allow us to renew otherwise people might want to leave. Also, the 1% cashback is more than the Everyday Platinum Cashback cards from AMEX (under £10k)

Although the 5% interest from the rounds up is a good idea, isn’t that more than Monzo gives on their Metal product?

Also wonder how long it’ll be before JPM Chase will start charging for having multiple bank accounts - you can have up to 20 Chase accounts at one time :joy:, who is going to have that many :stuck_out_tongue: