Chase Bank UK chat

I wonder if the 1 year period for 1% cashback has already started for customers who don’t yet have the card and can’t use Google Pay…

Yes it has, in the app it says the cashback is active from the moment you activate it… which silly me did without the card…
It’s only a couple of days so no biggie.


Got access :sunglasses: Way more boring than I imagined. Like the idea of a numberless card though. Should save them some pretty pennies :slight_smile:

Also, if I remember – they don’t ask for your gender at signup. Previously only Monzo did it (and the way we got around that regulation and don’t record customer gender makes for a cool blog post) so that makes me happy :slight_smile:

Will say they suck for not having preferred names and forcing me to use my legal name on the card though.


Bloggage please! :pray:


Really not sure I can :sweat_smile: Unless we already have a blog post on it (or it’s in my area of expertise) I can’t talk about stuff in the company :frowning:

I can say that it is rather bothersome and negatively affects Monzo in some ways (notice the hand wavey language I am using as to not give anything away) to not ask for gender at signup. But! We are happy to take that on to make our customer experience excellent :slight_smile:

There also appears to be some regulatory compliance we have to jump through to make this happen according to Rika:

And from Hugo:

TL;DR Customers come first at Monzo, always. Your experience matters. We will make money work for everyone and we are willing to jump through as many hoops as possible or take on the work to make it work for you.


Yes you have missed something, monzo said months ago when virtual cards were launched they were looking to allow cards to pull from pots directly and it appears they have been working on it the whole time especially with the regulator issues and they launched it before chase even launched and chase dont have the feature.

Your claim about a mole made no sense and you didnt explain what you meant when queried.

That was July last year.


All you had to do was ignore my post…


Back at you.
If you post like you did without much explanation then get salty when someone queries what you meant maybe forums are not your thing.


Anyone else experience Faster Payments coming in a little slow - by that I mean about two minutes after sending? Happened sending from both Monzo and Revolut. Very strange after having nothing but instant transfers for so long!


It can take up to an hour I believe. I have noticed some slowdowns rather than instant with other legacy banks I have transferred from/to.
It will seem strange being a few mins slower but they could also be dealing with a lot of transfers right now.

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Nope. Instant just between Monzo and Halifax

I had a couple of minutes between sending from starling and received into chase


I suspect you’re correct. In the few days I’ve been testing it, some are instant, some a few minutes. I actually think the slowness is just when it comes to updating the app or sending the notification though. Because a few times I’ve sent money over, and it appeared a few seconds before I got a notification. So I think it’s happening instantly, as you’d expect, there’s just some lag when it comes to updating.


Took just over a minute for my transfer from Monzo to arrive in the account.


Interesting information about merchant logo


A post was merged into an existing topic: Removed Posts - September 2021

Good to know. I was wondering about what to do when there was no logo.


Surprised that they have to seek permission to use them


The cash-back exclusion list is a bit annoying, out of my 2 transactions done with Chase non received cash-back. My first transaction was to AmEx and to be honest I didn’t expect to get any cashback for it, but the second one was for the Council Tax, and apparently this doesn’t qualify either :man_shrugging:

After a quick look over the exclusion list I found these :crazy_face:


A bit annoying

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Removed Posts - September 2021