Chase Bank UK chat

Tesco has had lots of issues with cards in the past to be honest and it can be quite store specific as well. I don’t know how their payments platform is so unreliable but it happens too often.

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I’ll try it one more time tomorrow, it’s kinda embarassing waving your phone over the reader and it not doing anything.

I pay with Google Pay in Tesco all the time without issue, so more likely a Chase or local store problem.

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I had this problem today in Tesco with Apple Pay.

Tried barclaycard. Nada.
Chase. Nada.
Monzo. Nada.

Had to just leave everything at the checkout because I had no physical cards on me, so I couldn’t pay for it, and had no intention of going back, even though I could have just sent cash to RBS and used a get cash code at the cash machine outside.

It’s almost as if the machine just wasn’t picking up the NFC. Was happening with my watch too, so it’s not my phone.

I’ve never liked Tesco though. They’ve always been bad when it comes to the mobile wallets, unless you use their own.

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Never had any issues with either Google Pay or Samsung Pay at Tesco personally. Not with any of the banks I’ve used.

Been there and done that. Luckily i had my main card with me.

It’s not a Chase thing, it’s Tescos crap acceptance of Apple Pay

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I use Chase quite often on my phone and smartwatch, never had any issues. When I use the watch the alignment needs to be perfect for it to work, but that’s for all cards, not just Chase.

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Its a Tesco issue… and can be region and store specific…

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The thing for me is, up to about a month ago it was working fine, so something must have changed at my store.

It probably did. I don’t go to Tesco much, but I’d never had any issues paying with Apple Pay til yesterday.

Co ops fault for having the nerve to discontinue my sacred three cheese bloomer. Tesco’s isn’t half as nice, but it’s the only place to get one now.

Happened again at Tesco today even after switching cards to amex so it’s either my phone or Tesco, I don’t believe it’s a chase issue anymore.

It’s a shame because Google pay is so convienient but I can’t trust it, at least at Tesco anymore. Will try using at other places to verify the theory that Tesco is at fault

I think we’ve established it’s definitely a Tesco issue haven’t we :stuck_out_tongue:

I always just use their physical credit card in there.


I have this issue with waitrose checkouts, goolge pay just doesn’t read unless I hold it at a specific angle. Whereas while at work or at M&S foodhall the card is read from miles away!

So I think its more a store/terminal specific thing.

Strike 1 for the no-wallet gang.

You’d have gone back if they had your kitchen roll!


While not a Chase customer I do have the odd dodgy Tesco interaction with Apple Pay, sometimes it takes ages to register that my phone is there and I sometimes have to move my phone around into different spots.

Only ever happens at Tesco.



This is straying a bit away from Chase, but I remember Tesco used to never actually ‘properly’ support Apple/Google Pay anyway. They’d only treat payments made using your mobile as if it was a standard contactless payment (and so had the same limit that applied to contactless payments).

I get the feeling Tesco hate giving any percentage of their transaction payments to third parties, so that’s why they’re not too keen on Apple/Google Pay. Do they even take Amex?

As an alternative to the wallet though, for those like me who really hate carrying cards around, the Tesco app can also be used to pay in store as well with their ‘Tesco Payment Wallet’. Setup your card in there, and then when you go to pay, you flash a QR code at the scanner and it applies your clubcard points and takes your payment.

And now back to Chase…

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This, if I recall, used to be called PayQwik or something crap like that, we used it in its original form when Tesco gave double club card points on it, it was a bit of a pita but now I dont think you get anything extra.
I suspect they held out rolling out Apple Pay/Google Pay as one of the features was the higher limit for purchases via it.

I think it must have been their own conservative policy and lack of up to date card readers across the network. Eventually they updated everything and had large banners saying limit is now £100 and apple & Google pay logos over the card readers to reeducate their customers. But I agree - shambles.

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Chase passing on the full 0.5% increase. You could say it’s not market leading and it’s not soon enough but for those who don’t want to go chasing 0.X% differences it’s a nice increase surely.