Can you pass British Citizenship test?

The test is a relatively recent invention (2005? 2006?). Previously as long as you met the criteria, you were granted citizenship. Is there any evidence that the test has been of any use? I’m not aware of any research that has been undertaken. The whole thing is a dogmatic exercise that stems from the premise that “foreigners are bad.”

(The criteria have also been tightened up, again to no obvious benefit. All it has done is make it more difficult for those on minimum wage to become citizens.)

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Yep have to agree. This test was in part introduced to placate all those concerned with mass immigration when we allowed free movement to Eastern European countries.

I find the whole thing distasteful, but Brexit leaves an even worse taste in the mouth.


I have personal experience as an immigrant I had to go though citizenship test and oath ceremony plus had to prove i can speak English. I don’t agree with test how it is being implemented but it could be used to give some basic guidelines for new citizens instead it just test you about past British ‘glories’.
I could bear the test and proving English was just easy, just had to show my post grad degree but the most ridiculous and patronising hour I had to sit and just go thorough was citizenship ceremony. I had never felt so awkward like that ever.

I remember going to my mother’s US citizenship ceremony… I think all countries make these cheesy as heck!

I failed!! Some of those questions are hard!! :man_shrugging:t2:


Those of you who failed should buy this book and get to know your country :crazy_face::rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I honestly didn’t want to know half of it though… That’s bad I know… :man_facepalming:

I decided to give it a try, not bad.
The bad part… I got all of them right until the last question. I didn’t know civil servants couldn’t stand for election!

That’s still an impressive score

I got the first 7ish questions right, and I’m not kidding. It was total coincidence, I guessed every single question :joy:

Omg woah you did it in two minutes, it took me 6. Proof I was guessing haha

I did this actual test last year before applying for citizenship. It took me 2 minutes 20 seconds to press the finish button. At the test centre they were just totally shocked me asked me so many times, are you sure? :joy:

I did pass. At the official test, they don’t give what percentage was correct etc…

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Fair play to you. You know more about the countries history than I do!

I’m not very traditional though, to me… Knowing all of that is completely irrelevant. What use is it anybody knowing these things.

If you are interested in it, then great. But I can’t see that you should have to know these things. It’s silly :confused:

I hope I don’t offend anybody with this. I just can’t help but think a test to find out about your skills and what you plan to do in the country would be far more relevant :frowning:

Jesus, is that actually the Oath they make your read? Fuck that, would’t catch me reading that load of shite. Guess I should recognise my privilege as I was born here, but still fuck that.


Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? :joy:

I do agree though

I’d have a real problem with swearing allegiance to the queen screw that.

Wouldn’t so much mind allegiance to the country as that’s expected - but to a person, nah.


I honestly think the whole monarchy thing is outdated and done

I also think the same with how our parliament works.

This country holds on to far too many traditions


I personally choose to pledge instead of Oath of allegiance to Queen. They give you option to choose and hand a printed paper with the words for whatever is chosen.

This oath/pledge was introduced by David Cameron’s government when current PM was Home Secretary just appease some of their hard-line supporters I think. It serves no purpose and as others sort of pointed out is partly outdated.

I failed but I simply don’t see the relevance of knowing for example which king/queen was in power hundreds of years ago. Nothing about how the law works, how the banking system works, how the tax and benefits systems work… only a couple of questions even on voting.

That said lots of british citizens don’t understand any of those either…


Why? Even though we may not legally be ‘British Subjects’ anymore, we are still, as a matter of fact, Her subjects. I mean, I’m not going to get in a debate on the monarchy, but it’s a matter of practical fact that we are the Monarch’s subjects. If you aren’t willing to become one, why would you become British?

I was born British, it says ‘British Citizen’ on my passport. Just because she’s benign on the surface doesn’t make it OK. I’m not her subject.

If someone from a not so nice country said they didn’t want to be a subject of their monarch or government/dictatorship then the majority of people would be cheering them on.

If I met one of them, I’d be perfectly nice and polite - but there would be no bowing from me. They’d get a handshake and they’d deal with it.