Budget edit of personal account only

I can view the budget and spend categories for my joint account, but when I go to edit the budget, it only allows me to do this to my personal account, not the joint account.

Details to reproduce:
iPhone 13Pro
App Version:



Same for me
Joint account management has been broken for a while now in other areas too.

Same for me, I’ve just turned it all off and using a spreadsheet since it’s not working at all

Same on my iPhone. It does work on my wife’s Samsung.

Same for me. It happens regardless of which way you access the budget page (pie chart or “£X left of budget” message). The budget page shows correctly as joint account, but clicking “Budgets” shows editable personal budget. Can’t find a workaround.

Tried again this morning and it appears to be fixed

Aaaand not working again. Strangely appears to be intermittent