Bad Facebook reviews

Complaining about it on the internet won’t get your account unlocked.

Allow the team to do their job, avoiding speculating about why it’s been locked, and if you haven’t done anything fraudulent, you have nothing to worry about.


I find it interesting that your first port of call, for someone who has a legitimate issue with your bank account being frozen, is to create an account on here and resurrect a topic to write a post about how you might write a Facebook review. :nail_care:t3:


Read this


my first port of call has been chatting to customer services for 40 hours and being told that the team was working hard.

I just hope that if you find yourself wasting a lot of time for no fault of your own you’ll receive sympathy from people around you, not comments suggesting you are a liar.

I’m just confused as to what you think a Facebook review will do? Yes Monzo haven’t responded but they may:

  1. Not be legally allowed to; and/or
  2. Still be looking into it.

So what does writing a “My Accounts Blocked” review on Facebook going to achieve?

I’m not suggesting that I am not sympathetic but Monzo are a regulated bank and need to do things a certain way.


I’m going to stay out of this moving forward, but literally no one has suggested this.


Who suggested that you were a liar? I just said it was interesting that you created an account and immediately resurrected an old topic about facebook reviews. Is it not interesting? It is to me.

Also, I’d happily be sympathetic to you if you’d given some details about how you were suffering as a result of your account being frozen, but you provided no information other than having a foreign sounding name. I struggle to believe that is in any way related to your predicament, so no sympathy for you.



Again read this


Oh wow, he went ahead and wrote a review anyway :man_facepalming:

I don’t understand why he couldn’t wait until Monzo had concluded their investigation :man_shrugging: because I would say that 40 hours isn’t long enough to be thorough :male_detective:

All you’ve done is highlight everything that is wrong with these review systems because you’re using it for the wrong reasons :confounded: Imagine if they came back and concluded that it was frozen to protect your account from someone who was trying to steal your money! :roll_eyes:


To clarify… I’m very much a “no smoke without fire” kinda person :joy:, and whilst I’m not saying anyone is guilty, there is usually a very good reason for this to happen…

But, on your point… If everything was legit, and the OP was just another casual user like me or you, 40 hours is 40 hours too long (maybe 20 hours too long if you are being generous).

But if it had happened to me, I’m not sure the forum or Facebook would be the place I’d go…I’d go straight through to the complaints team and various governing bodies…


I’d contact Esther Rantzen. She’d sort the mess out.


I wouldn’t say so, but I can see your point. I imagine that they need information from external companies such as Mastercard and those who may only operate during normal business hours. So while Monzo could have done everything some of it is likely out of their hands.

The rest of what you said I agree with though :smiley:

Or that they had proof you were committing fraud.

“Dear Mr. Reviewer, we can see that you had obtained money fradulent and were wanting to pass it via our bank to a nefarious state no-gooder, so we blocked your account which we are required to do by law”.


Yeah SLAs across one or two banks could easily tick past 3 or 4 days I’d imagine.

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I think my point was more along the lines of, if I was a legit user and had my account frozen for no other reason apart from my name (for example), I’d not be in a particularly reasonable mood.

Clearly playing devils advocate here, and I’m not implying that would happen.

More of a hypothetical if.


I have checked the legislation and I have deleted the review.

I understand that the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) does not allow the bank to provide any information.
So, I finally see what happened here. I received an unusual payment and it was spotted by the algorithm used to make reports to the NCA. I am fine with that.

It’s the legislation which is wrong here. I f I am a criminal and they freeze my account, I don’t need a second hint to understand what is going on. But if I am not a criminal, and all of a sudden I am told nothing, I will get frustrated and increasingly impatient.

Anyway. Apologies for losing it, but it felt I was being treated pretty bad.


I think that would put Monzo into some sticky water if they openly accused a customer of obtaining funds fraudulently - whether they had evidence or not. Unfortunate I know as would cover I would have thought the vast majority of poor reviews.

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It’s understandable that you’re frustrated so no need to apologise :slight_smile:

Seems like you’re getting answers now so hopefully it will all be wrapped up soon and you can put all this behind you :slight_smile:


IF I was in a car crash and my car was off the road for 3-4 days I’d be livid. But I’d understand it.

I think the fact that, legally, this isn’t an area where you can be transparent is the source of frustration for many who are a ‘legit user’. Sucks but it’s like this for a reason.

And to get back to the Facebook reviews, I see this as an odd sign of success. I can’t be bothered figuring it out but X bad reviews/Y Monzo customers is probably on a par with a fairly industry wide standard of bad compliant ratios?

Every bank has bad reviews, all over the place. I think we are more sensitive to them as forum users as we have an extra level of personal investment in Monzo. I’m sure my other banks have loads of bad reviews but I don’t really care, as I don’t have a forum to discuss them on.

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I was being sarcastic, imagine if they could do that though, what larks!! :joy: