Avoiding ATM Fees, Loaning Money to Monzo & Marketplace Services

As you mentioned, your post was off topic so I’ve moved it to a new topic. It’s a shame that you’ve posted several different ideas at once here, rather than in separate topics, as it means that each idea probably won’t get the attention it deserves but I’ll do my best.

You’re right that Monzo absorbing ATM withdrawal fees is an issue for them so it looks like fair useage limits are going to be added in the future.

That sounds like it would be really helpful for Monzo :+1:

Monzo has been quite successful in terms of their fundraising so far, so I’m not sure whether they’d be looking to borrow user’s money to fund their growth but you never know..

You’re right that offering services like this would be a great way for Monzo to earn revenue (judging by the success of Apple’s app store, for example) & in fact, that’s exactly what they’re planning to do.

I expect that services like travel insurance will be offered through the marketplace too though, rather than provided directly by Monzo. The problem with providing the service directly is that it won’t suit every user’s needs & since services like this are commoditised providers can only really compete on price. Whereas offering them through a marketplace has these benefits -

How does that sound?