Assist us with sending money in non-GBP currency while abroad

Yes, I agree with you there. If @hugo could figure out a non-cluttered/non-confusing way for Monzo to display balance and split bill values in local currency, that would be fantastic. Particularly the balance. Obviously it needs to be clear that it’s an approximation, but it would help a lot to avoid having to do the mental arithmetic every time you look at your balance when travelling. This has also been requested and discussed on some other threads, which you might find interesting.

So far, @hugo has resisted the idea because of potential confusion around the estimated rate that would be displayed, versus the actual rate you get when a transaction settles. I think this would be manageable, especially as we already have to deal with approximate rates when making a transaction.

Note that transactions abroad do already display in both local and GBP (perhaps a model of how the balance could be displayed in local currency as well) – see the grey text in my transactions below:

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