Apple TV+


Think I was hooked on Foundation when they showed the jump ships. Read all the books many years ago, long enough to have forgotten most of the details. :wink:


Just watched episode 2! This show is off to a great start! Canā€™t wait to see what comes next! So many questions after that ending!

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Iā€™m really glad Apple is doing this - itā€™s much more enjoyable to watch week by week compared to bingeing. I do like to binge a whole thing in one go, but it means all the conversation about shows is over in days rather than giving us time to digest each episode and discuss it and spot things we missed.

I also watched Sex Ed in one go last weekend and while I loved it, Iā€™m sure thereā€™s loads I missed that I wonā€™t even remember in a few weeks.

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Agreed! But every show on the same day is a bit much.

Iā€™m currently watching Ted Lasso, See, The Morning Show, Truth Be Told, and Foundation.

Ted Lasso, TSM, and Foundation are must watches ASAP if you wanna be able to browse the internet freely and engage in the discourse in the moment. But I donā€™t have the time to watch everything on the same day.

I think the release schedule for new episodes needs diversifying at this point. They have the quantity now to justify it.


I partly agree with this. I like the mix. Not binged sex education yet (but I will).

Agree with @N26throwaway on the fact all on one day is a bit much! Surely that needs to change soon?!

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Has Ted Lasso finished yet? Waiting to binge it all in one go.

Season finale is this coming Friday :slight_smile:

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Has anyone watched Physical? I just started it and itā€™s brilliant!

Iā€™m really enjoying Foundation. Biggest issue with it is theyā€™re only releasing one a week, and I donā€™t want to stop watching :flushed:

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Yes I loved it. Hoping for a second series


Foundation - really enjoying the scale of the show but I think it wouldā€™ve really benefited allowing viewers to watch the entire season as a whole. Each episode feels like itā€™s ending on a cliffhanger and I have zero patience.

Acapulco - has anyone started watching this? I saw it got promoted during the Ted Lasso finale.

I started watching this and thought it was really interesting but the motel scenes were a bit :eyes:


They were certainly intense! I liked how they showed her trapped in this repeating pattern and the way she tried to justify it. I hope they keep developing it. :blush:

Wow - didnā€™t see that coming in See!

Do I need to start catching up!?

Iā€™m still way back on episode 4! Itā€™s a fantastic show, but I donā€™t have much time for TV, and itā€™s usually something I do with Dinner. And See is not the sort of show to watch whilst youā€™re having dinner! Too gory!

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Anyone watching The Morning Show?


Definitely one to watch and concentrate on.

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Yep! Prioritised Truth Be Told this week (Itā€™s starting to get really good and I was desperate to see where it would be heading after last weekā€™s ending!) though, so not seen todayā€™s new episode yet!