Apple Pay - Any updates?

You hope…

We all hope :sweat_smile:


Nice to hear whats coming. CASS is the only thing stopping me from switching at the moment so hopefully it comes sooner than advertised

We’d really love to implement Apple Pay. We strongly hope that we can offer it in the future as it’s something we really want to do! Unfortunately, at this time, we don’t have an ETA on it. If/when that changes, we’ll be the first to let you know.


Can you at least confirm that you like apples and paying for things?


Is it here yet? :apple:


Will you take us to Mount Splashmore?


The thing that most on this thread complaining about Apple Pay is forgetting, if Monzo has indeed signed an NDA, not only is the existence of the NDA confidential itself, but they’ll also be breaking it if they confirm or deny Apple Pay is in the works.

They would be breaking their NDA if they put it into the 2018 roadmap for example. As well as this, employees of Apple responsbile for this project will be scanning this post to ensure that Monzo employees remain confidential about Monzo’s progress.

Patience is a virtue and one day it’ll be released.


The easiest thing to do would be to break the NDA, say they’re possibly doing it. Then Apple can withdraw their co-operation for breaking the NDA, then there will a definitive ‘Apple Pay is not coming now or ever’ and everyone will be happy knowing there’s a definitive statement :wink:


It won’t have an NDA lol

No international payments but a pulse graph a lot of us do not want anyhow. Give us banking services not gimmicks.

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Really looking forward to the enrichment of direct debits. If we can get some work done on the payees too (Ability to group payments under a contact for example), then I’ll hopefully have a nice tidy feed again sometime soon! :heart_eyes:

Yeah, i’d rather have targets than a pulse graph.


Literally 90% of this is about Apple Pay. You even replied to my message about Apple Pay.

My conclusion:

Apple Pay isn’t coming, Apple have said no. Maybe it’s something to do with the amount of users they have on their in house payment processor, I don’t know. I could be completley wrong

But an NDA doesn’t exist, why would it? It’s not exactly new and exciting

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Apple creates an NDA with every company it forms a contract with, regardless of how sensitive it is. It’s standard practice.


Where does it say Apple have said no?

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I’m personally interested in the stats that Monzo presented yesterday. Specifically, how many of the current accounts are inactive/abandoned vs active?

It’s natural to assume that people who comment on the forums here are more invested in the product, but for the average user who doesn’t want to air things out on a forum, they’d just stop using the account and go elsewhere - I wonder if there are any analytics on that?


Still don’t think it’s coming

The replies from Monzo would be different. Rather than, we would love to offer it, it would just be “we can’t comment about apple pay at this stage”

Would you like to bet on that with me? :wink:


Not really mate.

But Monzo couldn’t exactly announce that it’s not coming. They would lose 80% of their customers if we are going by this Forum

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