An Update to Connected Accounts

It was certainly a lot of work to set up! But I find it soooo much more helpful now re budgeting and knowing where it’s gone.


I very nearly had a snacks one.

My non-custom eating out currently pulls duty for all non-junk food or restaurant lunch and breakfast buying, and snacks sometimes fall there, or sometimes into groceries.

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Well there goes all my money this month :cry:


@tomdavies Will you persist the transactions on Monzo’s side to build up a history for providers who only show last 90 days?

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Will you persist the transactions on Monzo’s side to build up a history for providers who only show last 90 days?

Yep! So the longer you have your account connected the more transaction history we can show :tada:


How come these are only available on the connected account? And not on Monzo account itself? Do I need to create these on the Monzo account as custom categories?

I really like them.


We like them too! We’re hoping to bring them to the Monzo account soon :pray:


Good luck with that schema change for all accounts!

It was easy for connected accounts as it was a new schema.

Yep—bringing them to existing Monzo accounts will be a little more involved :sweat_smile:

If you could connect Co-op / Smile current accounts and credit cards, and M&S credit cards, I’d consider paying for Plus. Until those are supported no point.

Edit - my Smile account is a joint account, don’t know if joint accounts can be connected?

Joint accounts do support Open Banking.

Unfortunately, Co-operative (including Smile) and Metro Bank haven’t developed Open Banking APIs (and they aren’t required to due to their small market share).

This means that adding support for them is impossible, without using an MCI (modified customer interface) in place of an API. This is basically technical jargon for explaining that you would have to login via a credential sharing method instead. Monzo’s current infrastructure isn’t set up for this and they are unlikely to develop it just for a small number of customers.

M&S Bank does have an API so adding support for their credit cards would be much easier (and very possible as their API is very similar to HSBC’s anyway so should be a limited amount of work to integrate with).


Thanks @SebH. I know Smile don’t have an API but I was living in hope! I didn’t realise they were not required to develop one so I won’t hold my breath :slight_smile:

I didn’t think credential sharing logins were a thing any more either - and I was never particularly happy about using that method anyway.

As you say, the S&M card is effectively HSBC - Snoop can access it so hopefully it will be added to Monzo soon.

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Can you add/edit categories on pending transactions and does this edit then carry through to the cleared transaction?

Inability to edit pending transactions is a limitation of some (maybe all) aggregators that I’ve used.


You’re welcome!

The FCA has only required the biggest banks to develop APIs but most smaller banks have also voluntarily participated.

There is more information about it and a list of the top holdouts here from MoneyDashboard.

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M&S credit cards continue to exist, despite M&S current accounts closing?

I guess M&S credit card is profitable and will remain around just like the HSBC provided John Lewis Waitrose Partnership Card.

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No - it only lets you categorise once it’s gone through here too

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This is unfortunately a limitation for us as well :disappointed: Some banks make it basically impossible to track a transaction from pending to booked, meaning we’d loose your categorisation data as it cleared. We decided that not allowing you to categorise pending transactions was a better experience than this :crossed_fingers:t2: We do show them in summary however, in their own pending “category”

We’ll constantly re-assess this though, most banks are improving their data quality so if it reaches the point where we think it’s possible we will definitely re-think this


For the moment, and yes I hope they continue to do so. The high limit Mastercard to complement Smile’s offering of a Visa with a similar limit. Relics of my days as an employee, I’d probably struggle to get a similar limit elsewhere now I’m freelance despite making more money.

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Thanks again - very interesting and I’ve learned something there :slight_smile:

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