Algbra discussion

Awesome, I intend on making the use of it until it expires on 14th.

I’ve also just had a reply on chat from them and they have confirmed that all my transactions are eligible.

I’m hoping they extend the rewards scheme.

If they have more VC funding to burn through, they will. Otherwise there’ll be an exodus and the shutters will come down in ~6 months.

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They’re going to have to, I can’t see enough in it to tempt people to ‘bank’ with them otherwise. It’s a lovely looking app, possibly one of the nicest, but it’s very basic, and lightyears behind other FinTech offerings (even Starling does it better I reckon)

I love the ethos, love the look, but none of that will pay the bills. Not one to make it out of 2024 alive I don’t think.

I agree, the app looks great.

I’m happy to benefit from the cashback, in addition to the Chase cashback until whatever comes next.

I have Monzo for the fintech aspect.

Anyone’s app log them out? Mine has and after logging back in half the app doesn’t load.

Working ok for me.

Just carried out some transactions and notifications were immediate.

I assume there is no reason for me to sign up to Algbra is the cashback offer is ending soon, or is it the case of I’ll get it for a certain timeframe after signing up?.

Well, apart from the fact they’ve got a great ethos, are a BCorp and have one one the nicest looking apps? And card.

You’ll get it until the 14th Feb I’d imagine, and I’d also imagine they’ll have to extend it otherwise I can’t see why (apart from an ideological basis) anyone would.


You do get a virtual card the moment your account is active so you do have 14 days to make some cash.

As others have said, I can’t imagine they will completely remove the cashback. Right now, the 1.5% gives them the edge.

Either way it’s good to take advantage whilst it’s around.

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Fair enough. Thanks for the replies, will give them a go.

Card wise out of the black or blue which is nicest? Tempted by the blue as the black First direct card I’ve got ends up a scratched mess due to my wallet.

I have a black one and it’s fared considerably better than the FD one which gets scratched just by looking at it!

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I got the blue one, really nice.


I too got the black card.

You have to use a virtual card for your cashback which is blue merging into purple. I have read that Algbra soon intend on allowing you to have the same card as your physical one in your digital wallet, as this is a little disjointed.

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I have the pink one, and I like it a lot, although I almost exclusively use Google Pay now so it doesn’t often see the light of day.

Went for the black card, Finding the app quite clunky however. Takes a while to login using fingerprint, good few failed to load messages, and when I go into ‘More - roadmap’ It then does not let me scroll on that page at all.

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yeah I hear you on the roadmap page, it’s essentially a list, nothing more to provide.

But on logging in with Face ID on iOS it works just fine. I have not had any issues at all.

I’ve got the pink Algbra card both physically and in my Apple Pay wallet. The ‘Add to Apple Wallet’ button is on both the ‘physical’ card in the Algbra app, and also on the virtual card, so you can add either or both.

ahhh really, that’s good to know! It only appears on my virtual card. Maybe that button will appear once I activate my card (which is yet to arrive)

That’s what happened with mine.

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So just had it confirmed in customer service chat that they intend on extending the cashback offer and will be releasing details very shortly.